BGM - CoC - Werewolf AU - pt6

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I'm like almost done, I promise lol

"You want to-" Mali's eyes widened as she realized the gravity of what you said, "Y/N, that's a big step, are you sure that-"

"Yes, I'm sure," you smiled at her. Your mind was made. You chose love, you wanted Luke's love and you wanted to give him yours. You hadn't known him for long but from the moment he first touched you, you were destined to be with him. It took you a little while and some yelling by Juliette but you were sure what you wanted.

"Well, at least let me explain a few things to you," Mali sighed and led you to sit down on the edge of your bed. She sat down next to you and took your hands in hers. "Okay, well I haven't met my mate, but I've learned a few things from other females around me."

"It's fine Mali, I want to know anything you can tell me," you squeezed her hands gently. You appreciated her concern for you, and you genuinely wanted to know what she and Juliette were talking about earlier. You knew you wanted to complete the bond, but you didn't want to do so without knowing what would happen to you and Luke.

"Well, so far you have about half a bond, I'm sure you can feel it. Your soul and Luke's have began to merge but without you marking him, they cannot complete the process. You probably don't notice it when he's next to you, but now do you feel like you miss him?" She asked, looking into your eyes.

"Yeah, I know he's down there training but if you guys hadn't come in I probably would've gone down to check on him anyway," you said sheepishly. It seemed so silly, to be so overprotective of him.

"That's completely normal," she assured you, "the bond is a powerful force that connects wolves, when your bondmate is far away some anxiety is natural. Once it's complete you should both be able to feel each other much better, and exchange full thoughts which will help calm you."

You grinned and nodded, encouraging her to continue. That's what you wanted, Luke's thoughts and feelings, you wanted all of it and all of him. You were sure now. "To complete it, I just have to mark him right?"

Mali chuckled, "that's how the wolf side of the bond is completed, yes."

You tilted your head a little and furrowed your brows. Wolf side? Did you have to do something different for the human side that you didn't know yet?

But Mali had moved on, "once you've marked him and the bond is complete, The Attachment begins. Like I said I've never felt it, which is part of the reason Juliette was here, but from what I understand it's like... like," she paused and took a deep breath, "you know how once your eyes adjust to the dark, if the lights are turned on, it's really painful until you adjust?"

"Yes," you said slowly, trying to understand the connection to a new bond.

"Well you're in the dark right now, once you mark Luke the lights will be flipped on for both of you. The Attachment is when two wolves with a newly formed bond spend time together and basically get used to it before they renter a fully bonded couple. I don't know exactly what happens and I think it's different for every couple, but it usually takes about a week so it's standard for a wolf who's just met their mate to get a week off from pack leadership. Presumably that's why Alpha Hemmings and the Betas gave Luke this week off," Mali explained.

You sucked in a breath. Well it certainly didn't sound pleasant, but you were okay with that. Luke was clearly ready to go through it, and you knew he'd help you all the way. Besides, you couldn't change your mind now, you couldn't explain it but there was some deep feeling, almost instinct, that told you it was time.

Mali noticed your discomfort and looked at you sympathetically, "traditionally, once an alpha couple has completed the bond and The Attachment they pretty much immediately take over and lead the pack. The ceremony where the old alpha couple transfers leadership to the new one is called The Ascension, it's run by the Head Council and mostly ceremonial," she waved it off, "nothing to worry about."

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