BGM - Blue Box (1/2)

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You hadn't slept in twenty seven hours yet you had never felt more awake. Your fingers impatiently tapped against the little armrests on your plane seat and you continually glanced out the window to see if you could catch a glimpse of the airport.

This was it. Your grueling fight and long wait would come to an end and you'd get to see your beloved Luke for the first time in months. So much time had passed that you refused to count as it only served to upset you. But pretty soon that timer would wind back and you'd again be snuggled into Luke's warm arms, head resting on his shoulder as his chest rose and fell with the deep breathing associated with sleep. You'd be able to stand up on your toes and wrap your arms around his shoulders to pull him down into a kiss. Soon you could laugh and smile and touch and experience Luke. No more screens, cameras, or microphones to bridge the gap, just him underneath your fingertips.

A small smile crept across your face and you found yourself relaxing a bit more at just the thought of Luke, sitting easy in the knowledge that soon your imagination would be a reality.

It took a while for the plane to land, longer to start unloading, and longest for you to even get off. You slung your bag over your shoulder and stepped out into the airport. You didn't particularly enjoy travel, at least not at the rapid pace that tours moved, but you'd put up with a lot for Luke and you even felt kind of excited for it as you stepped out. Because who better was there to travel with than the love of your life and your best friend? Who better to make memories with? To experience new things? Nobody.

You rushed through the gates and passed security all in your mad dash to get to where Luke was waiting. Your neck swiveled around and around. He would be hard to spot, probably somewhat disguised and with security. But he was there somewhere, you knew it.

A hand clamped down on your bicep, and started pulling you backwards from the way you had been facing.

"Whoa!" You stumbled and looked at the person holding you. A black baseball cap was pulled low to conceal their face, and they wore mirrored shades, but you knew those blue tufts of hair sticking out and the dozens of bracelets on the wrist grabbing you to be Michael's.

"Shhh," he hissed as people glanced your way, "come on! Luke is waiting and he's been acting like a lovesick puppy for weeks! You have to fix him or something."

You giggled but felt a pang in your chest. You knew what Luke was feeling. The cold bed, quiet apartment, and lack of music had all settled in your own chest after Luke left. They didn't happen at first, just after you found yourself pouring him a cup of tea that he wouldn't drink or straining yourself to try and reach the top shelf without anyone lazily reaching up for you. It stung and made you feel incredibly lonely, even around your own friends.

"I'll see what I can do," you chuckled. The sting was mostly gone now, replaced with warm and fuzzy excitement.

Michael led you up to a VIP area where your vision immediately locked on Luke. He had been pacing on the other side of the smallish room set away for those that would otherwise disturb airport traffic. His hand was tangled in his hair and the other stuffed deep in his pocket. It looked to you like he was mouthing along to something, maybe some new lyrics they were working on.

"Luke!" You said delightedly.

That snapped him right out of his concentration and he beamed to turn in your direction. You were already running and he barely caught you without falling over.

You both laughed some more and your eyes were welling up with tears from the emotion of it all. Your arms came around his waist and your face to his chest. It was all so real and so Luke. The smell, the height, the hug, it all just screamed Luke.

You latched on and didn't want to let go. Even as you heard the other three boys teasing you in the background.

"I missed you," you told Luke with a light squeeze. You couldn't help but smile a little wider because you could say missed instead of miss.

"I missed you more," he countered by lifting you up a few inches and hugging you tight in the air.

"Impossible," you wheezed out, oxygen becoming a little difficult to get with your lungs being compressed.

"Sorry. Sorry," Luke set you down carefully and withdrew himself.

You were waiting for him to kiss you or say something but his eyes were drawn down to his left pocket as his hand slowly crept inside.

"Babe?" You raised an eyebrow, "what are you doing?"

Luke sent you a shaky smile and pulled the hand back out. You didn't get to see what was in it before he was lowering himself down onto one leg and looking up at you.

Your heart got caught in your throat. Was he doing what you thought he was?

Sure enough when the hand came around and opened you saw inside it was a blue velvet box. A ring box.

Luke opened it and revealed a beautiful, glittering engagement ring, "Y/N, I was going to wait until later but seeing you made me lose all self-control. So, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Your previously damp eyes began to overflow and you were probably wailing way too loudly but you had been waiting for this such a long time, "YES!"

A minuscule amount of tension released itself from Luke's body as he grabbed the ring and slipped it onto your finger. It was a perfect fit and more beautiful than you had ever thought.

You were so caught up in the ring that you neglected Luke, until he grabbed your face and titled it up to kiss you deeply. You both just felt so in love. And it was official! You were going to marry the youngest Hemmings! You couldn't have been happier.

"My gorgeous fiancée," Luke hummed as he pulled back. You smiled at him and leaned up for a quick peck.

"This is great. A close second to me being asked to be best man," Michael hinted not so subtly at Luke.

"Hmmmm shut up Michael," Luke grinned at you, admiring your face and hand and ring that he bought.

"Damn," Calum commented.

"Oh how the tables have turned," Ashton let out only a breathy laugh.

"Shut up Ashton."

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