BGM - Gaps in the Leaves

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Remember the Spoiled!Calum AU where he was the CEO son and kind of a little bitch?

Well it was based off of five random words and I asked for y'all to give me some words and camjensen said, "Smiley, saucy, feisty, confident, and trees"

I took a while bc I wasn't sure how to combine them but I thiiiiink I figured it out

Thank you for the request and I'm sorry I've been gone for a few days- school just restarted today and I had to finish my summer homework that I procrastinated on

It was so surreal to be back home, surrounded by the streets and sights of your childhood. Sleeping in your old room, now serving as a spare bed in your parents home, with the same flowered quilt. Now it felt so much smaller, but perhaps that was due to your sleeping companion being so very large.

It was interesting to see how your fiancé saw what was familiar and worn to you, as new and interesting. And yet as new as they were to him, he blended in like a local. Luke interacted with your family with a confident ease that impressed even your grandmother who was notoriously feisty and hard to deal with.

You could still remember when you first introduced her to Luke she squinted up at his face and loudly proclaimed that you were dating a giant and not a man. She proceeded to reach up with an old wrinkled hand and pull him down to her level in order to inform him that dinner was at seven and he ought not to be late, all with a level of eye contact that would've made you shrink back. Luckily, Luke was polite and his lack of fear impressed her and earned him a new level of respect. Now she acted as if he was just another of her grandchildren, tutting when his shirt was crooked or hair was unbrushed same as she did to you. It was rather amusing to see such a tall and strong man as Luke frantically adjust his shirt under the disappointed stare of an old woman.

Just thinking about it made a small smile spread across your face.

"What are you smiling about?" The warm arm around your waist tightened and pulled you further into the chest behind you, making the soft grass tickle the backs of your thighs.

"Just you and Nana," you giggled and shook your head.

Luke sighed behind you and you could feel the light brush of his hair against the back of your neck as he shook his head, "my shirt is never just right is it?"

"Nope," you titled your head back and looked up at Luke's face, "and it never will be either. 'S just how she is."

He chuckled at your odd position and took advantage by leaning down and pressing a light kiss to your forehead. He then slowly moved down, his lips brushing against your cheek and barely meeting the top of your nose. They hovered a little above your lips, and he breathed over them for a few seconds before finally leaning down the rest of the way and capturing your lips on his. Even at such a strange angle your mouths moved together with a practiced ease, slowly moulding together and stealing your breath.

When he pulled up again you took the opportunity to flip your whole body around so that you were chest to chest, your knees straddling his waist. Luke's hands slid under your shirt and cradled your lower back as he dipped you down and kissed you again. This time, with an added fervor, your lips parted and his tongue slipped into your mouth. Your hands lifted and grabbed his hair without a thought as you made out in your parents backyard.

"HEY!" There was a commotion and you pulled back as Nana's voice could be heard yelling in your general direction, "NONE OF THAT UNTIL YOUR MARRIED!"

You blushed and pulled away, looking in the direction of her voice and seeing her ages frame precariously leaning out the kitchen window. Upon seeing your face, she paused for a moment, "...OR AT LEAST OUT OF MY SIGHT!"

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