BGM - He Comes Back From Tour For Valentine's Day

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This one's gonna be HELLA cute so get urself into a cute frame of mind

I've had this in my drafts for a VERY long time

Another February, another Valentine's Day Luke would spend away on tour. You had become depressingly used to the Skype date where he was jet lagged and you were up too late thanks to timezones that ultimately boiled down to the two of you just tiredly mumbling at each other for a few minutes before one nearly nodded off and you said your I-love-yous and went to bed. You were so ready in fact, that you began to buy yourself your own Valentine's candy to gorge yourself on while pretending your boyfriend wasn't halfway around the world.

When you arrived home from the grocery store, with your bags stuffed a little fuller than usual with sweet treats, you decided to try and carry all of your grocery bags in at once. You stuck your tongue out in concentration as you looped all of the handles onto your arms and lifted. Wow, they were even heavier than you thought! Grunting, you had to use all of your upper body strength to get yourself up and out of the car. Holding your forearms out at your sides, you closed your car door with your hip, and locked it.

"You got this Y/N, this is probably the extent of your exercise for the week anyway," you groaned to yourself while teetering up the drive to the front.

You fumbled with the keychain in your hand, trying to grab ahold of your house key before the heavy groceries cut off all of the circulation to your arms.

"Ah!" You screeched as you nearly dropped the keys. While you were still recovering the door flew open.

"Y/N!" Luke grinned, "I thought I heard you!"

"AGHHHHHHH!" You screamed loudly, dropping your keys and nearly the groceries along with them. It wasn't that you were unhappy Luke was there, but it was completely unexpected and you were not expecting the door to open.

Luke winced, "geez Y/N, save some for later."

You glared at him, unsure if you should scold him for being dirty or hug him for coming to see you. In the end, the fact that it was Valentine's Day and that you hadn't seen him in so long won out as you lurched forward suddenly to awkwardly try and hug him through all the grocery bags.

"Whoa, nice to see you too baby," he carefully untangled himself so that he could hug you back, pulling you closer to his warm chest.

"Did you come all this way just to see me?" You squeaked, tilting your head up to look at him, completely disregarding the burning in your arms. Luke was more important.

"Well I didn't want you to have to spend another Valentine's Day alone," he lifted one of his hands and rested it on your cheek, softly stroking your cool skin with his fingers.

You leaned into the touch and smiled at your amazing boyfriend.

"I love you," he mumbled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips.

"I love you too," you sighed happily, again shifting your arms around.

"Those look heavy, let me get them," Luke suddenly realized that you were struggling under the weight of the bags, so he reached down and easily slid the handles off of your forearms onto his.

"Thank you," you felt so much lighter now.

Luke made a disapproving noise as he looked at your forearms.

"What?" You glanced down, "oh." The bags had left harsh red lines that were rather painful to the touch.

He just sighed, "let's go in."

You nodded in agreement and followed Luke inside. He dumped the groceries on the counter and then in one swift motion turned around and swept you off your feet.

"Whoa!" Your hands flew up and around his neck while he cradled you close and started carrying you toward your shared bedroom.

"Close your eyes," he ordered as soon as the closed door came into view.

You narrowed them first, before slowly letting your eyes flutter shut, "okay."

"No peeking," he ordered as one of his hands left you in order to open the door.

You didn't say anything, but obediently kept your eyes shut for the time being. You'd humor Luke, even though you were rather curious to see what he had brought you. He gently set you down on the bed before moving away. The room was silent except for his quiet footsteps over to the closet and back.

You could feel Luke's presence settle close to you, "open your eyes."

You didn't have to be told twice, your eyes shot open and you were met with Luke. He was standing just in front of where you were perched on the edge of the bed. In his arms were a huge bouquet of red roses and a large heart-shaped box that you hoped was chocolate.

"Luke!" You squealed, feeling your eyes prick with tears you were so touched, "they're beautiful!"

"Almost as much as you," he winked cheekily.

"You're such a dork," you giggled and shook your head.

Luke pouted, "but I'm your dork."

"That you are," you agreed.

That made him smile again

"Happy Valentine's Day Princess," he leaned down to hand you the bouquet.

You took the flowers but didn't let him straighten himself out. Instead you dropped the roses on your lap and tugged on his long blonde curls, bringing him back down so that you could kiss him.

Luke got the message and dropped the chocolate on the bed next to you, pressing his two hands on the mattress directly next to your hips. Your mouths connected in a hot kiss.

You opened your mouth right away and your eyelids dropped shut as Luke licked inside. You sighed at the welcomed sensation of the makeout session. It had been far too long.

When you were both out of breath Luke pulled back and panted lightly. You let go of his hair and let him move back a little. He smiled at you, and you smiled back, your chest heaving up and down.

Luke was looking like he was getting ready to kiss you again, but you had something you needed to address first. You reached over and grabbed the heart-shaped box where he had discarded it.

"Is this chocolate?" You asked, pulling off the bow.

"Yes," Luke answered quickly, "but do you really want to start eating that now? Don't you think there's something else we could do to celebrate?" He smirked and laid a hand on your thigh.

You snorted, "there's no time like the present Luke," and then you began to dig in.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!

This, along with the other three Shorts books should be getting updated more often now that my main book is finished

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