BGM - Are You Sure?

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Yes it's another pregnancy BGM.

No, I regret nothing.

"Baby... can we talk?" You knocked lightly on Luke's study door after finally mustering up the courage to bring up a subject you had been avoiding for several days.

To put it plainly, you were pregnant. And it was Luke's. You found out after Y/BFF/N, who was actually trying to get pregnant, bought way too many tests and made you take one with her as moral support. You both got positive.

So you took another, positive again. There was no doubt that an uninvited guest had set up shop in your womb, and that Luke was the one to put it there.

Only problem was that he was an international rockstar getting ready to leave on a nearly year-long tour in only a few weeks while you were just a girl. To be fair you were his girlfriend, a longtime one at that as the two of you had been dating for several years, but beyond completely hypothetical conversations about your future, neither of you had brought up children. They weren't supposed to be a part of your foreseeable future.

"You're not breaking up with me are you?" Luke chuckled jokingly as he set his guitar on his stand.

"No no," you tried to smile at his joke but it was more of a grimace.

And he noticed, "c'mere," Luke patted his thigh.

You walked over and sat down, allowing him to hug you from the back and rest his chin on your shoulder as his arms wrapped securely around your waist.

"Now," he kissed the base of your jaw, "tell me what's wrong."

You stared down at your lap and took in a shuddery breath. It would all be okay, you could do it, just rip the bandaid off.

"I'm pregnant," you whispered but it felt like you were screaming. The words were hard to put together and make yourself say as they brought up an uncomfortable set of questions. Mainly, what was going to happen?

Luke froze but didn't move away. "You're... pregnant?" He sounded shocked. You didn't blame him.

"And it's yours," you added as if it could be anyone else's.

Luke stayed still behind you. You figured that he was just processing the crap-ton of information you basically dropped on him. But it was uncomfortable as well, as you really didn't know how he was going to react. Joy? Sadness? Denial? Anger? All of the above?

Before he said anything, the arms around your waist moved to gently spread across your stomach. "You're pregnant." It seemed like you were getting through to him, he graduated from a question to a statement.

"Yes," you affirmed.

"Wow," he blew out some air, "I. I don't know what to say."

You bit down on your lip and shifted, "that you'll be there for the baby and for me? That you won't leave? That you," you choked and had to clear your throat, "that you still love me."

"Y/N?! I'm not going to stop loving you because you're pregnant with my baby! I still love you with everything I have," he promised, changing your position so that you were facing him. An immense weight was lifted off of your shoulders. Luke was okay, he was taking it really well.

"And you," he lowered his head down to speak to your stomach, "I'm not leaving you either." There wasn't a bump yet, but you both still cherished the moment with the little thing growing somewhere in you.

You smiled at him, "you're not mad then?"

"Nothing to be mad at," he sighed, "we used protection I guess these things happen sometimes."

You had to agree. There hadn't really been anything you could've changed to future prevent the pregnancy, so it seemed as though you'd just wound up unlucky. Or very lucky, it depends on your perspective really.

"I was a little worried that you wouldn't take it well," you said softly, feeling rather embarrassed now that you had been so anxious.

"I mean I'm not going to lie and say that if I could choose that we'd be starting a family now, but we are and that's good too. I love you and I think that we'll make kickass parents," Luke was very confident and that made you feel so much better as you could borrow his confidence and use it as your own.

"I do too," you smiled, leaning up to kiss him.

"Hmmm," he leaned in, deepening the kiss.

"Hey hey, that's what got us into this mess in the first place," you pressed a finger to his lips and pushed him backward.

Luke just shrugged and smirked, "well, it's not like you can get any more pregnant."

You laughed loudly, "thank God for that!"

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