CoC - Epilogue

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Fun fact: all of the parts are like 28,000 words so if you got this far you read like a short book

"UNCLE LUUUUUKE! AUNTIE Y/N!" A loud voice squealed as soon as you and Luke stepped out of your car. A bright streak of blonde curly hair came rocketing toward you, and Luke barely had time to reach down and scoop up your niece before she crashed into his knees.

"Did ya miss us?" Your mate chuckled as he swung the little girl around over his head.

She only giggled as he set her back down on her feet and then bobbed her head excitedly. "Where's Eli?"

"He's still asleep," you motioned to the door behind you, "it was a long week, even for him."

"PENELOPE!" Jack and Juliette finally came running out of the woods toward the sentinel's cabin. It sure took them long enough.

Your niece shrieked and ran around you to hide behind your knees.

"DON'T RUN AWAY FROM US LIKE THAT!" Juliette looked close to panicked as she sprinted forward and you stepped away just in time for her to scoop up her energetic child before she could run again.

"We know you were happy to see your uncle and aunt and cousins, but you can't run out of our sight," Jack added as he caught up. Juliette cuddled a squirming Penelope to her chest before letting out a deep breath and setting her back down. Your brother and sister by bond had always been rather protective of their pup, Penelope was their one and only child, and it had been a struggle for them to have her at all. You and Luke did everything you could to make sure they could spend as much time with her as possible, and when you all were working, all of your children spent their days with their grandparents in their cabin.

Once they were satisfied with her, they turned to you, "welcome back Alpha and Luna," Juliette spoke first as she stepped forward with arms open wide. You pressed your face against hers and squeezed her tight as Jack and Luke hugged as well. Then you traded places and you were greeting Jack as she said hello to Luke.

"How were things while we were gone?" Luke asked as you turned and opened the backseat of the car. Still strapped into his dinosaur car seat was Eli, head lolled to the side and eyes gently closed as he slept. Next to him, his sister, Olive, was just opening her bright green eyes, which immediately focused on you. She was probably hungry, it had been a few hours since she'd last ate. You walked around quickly to the other side and opened the door.

"Shhhhh, mommy's here," you soothed her as her little face began to turn red and scrunch up. You didn't want her to wake Eli, he was truly exhausted. You reached down and unbuckled her from her baby car seat then lifted her out.

I'm going to feed the baby, you can head back without me

You mindlinked Luke as you settled Olive against your chest and she latched on right away.

"Well I'm starved, what do you say we head back and grab some lunch? Hm?" Your mate asked afterwards. A moment later, Eli was being carried in Luke's arms as he, Jack, and Penelope headed back toward the pack.

Juliette, instead, walked around to stand with you, "the betas did a good job, you'd be impressed," she smiled softly and leaned against the car.

You were mildly surprised she had decided to stay but didn't complain, "there are four of them, so I'd be worried if they couldn't handle things for a week." You chuckled and shook your head.

Juliette looked down and took a deep breath. You frowned, "are you okay?"

She looked back up and you saw tears pooling in her eyes, "I'm pregnant."

Your jaw dropped, and if you weren't in the middle of feeding Olive you would've hugged her tightly. Instead, you smiled and felt your own eyes begin to fill with tears as well. "That's great! Congratulations! Does Jack know?"

She wiped at her eyes and shook her head, "he hasn't noticed yet, I just realized this morning."

You nodded in understanding, usually females noticed the scent changes first, before even their mates. That hadn't been exactly what happened with you and Luke when you were pregnant with Eli, but that was not a normal situation. "Well your secret is safe with me, I'm so happy for you. Anything you need, tell me," you said sincerely.

"Thank you Luna," Juliette gave you a side-hug just as Olive detached herself and yawned. You both smiled and you passed your daughter to her aunt for some quality time.

"Now, let's eat!" You turned in the direction the boys and Penelope had gone a few minutes prior.

"Lead the way Luna."

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