BGM - Love Burns

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Soulmate AU from the long ass list in my other book - when one soulmate is injured, they share the pain

Chosen by my love Doodle5sos

"Mmmmmm, 5 more minutes," you whined as a sunbeam settled directly over your face, pulling you from your peaceful sleep.

"Wait what?" Sunbeam? It was winter and you were supposed to be at work by 8:30. If the sun didn't rise until late then...

Your eyes flew open and your gaze settled on your alarm clock. "8:00." You were running late.

That meant you had thirty minutes for getting up, getting dressed and ready, and taking your fifteen minute commute to work not counting the traveling time to make it up to your actual office.

"Shit, this is going to have to be a new record," you groaned as you leapt out of bed.

Your morning routine became highly condensed. Dry shampoo and tooth brushing while wriggling on your pants. Brushing out your hair while buttoning your blouse, and grabbing a protein bar while shoving on your shoes.

You actually managed to make your fifteen minute cutoff, but it definitely showed in your wrinkly clothes and unwashed hair. Oh well, better than being late to another big meeting. That wouldn't go over well at all.

You rushed out of your apartment, making a beeline for the elevator and frantically hitting the button to take you down to the parking garage. Everything seemed to be slowly working out.

That is, until you tried to actually step out of the elevator.

In your haste, you didn't take a wide enough step to clear the elevator door, and your heel got caught in the crevice between the edge of the door and the floor.

You of course, went flying. Your palms hit the ground first, and you could feel the delicate skin of your palms get peeled back. You landed on your knees next, luckily you didn't tear your pants, but you'd have some interesting looking bruising for sure. Finally, to add insult to injury, you lost your balance on your tender hands and knees and landed right on your face. Great.

"Are you okay?" A male voice rang out somewhere from the left. Man he sounded hot and everything, what a first impression.

You at least managed to sit up by the time the man emerged from behind a parked car, so you had a shred of dignity left. He had bright blonde hair, and was dressed in ripped jeans and a shirt full of holes. He looked to be your age but clearly you didn't share a profession.

"Yeah, just took a tumble," you pushed yourself up onto your feet, already pulling out your keys and ready to leave.

You heard him groan and rub his palms together, "damn, what did she do?" He asked himself.

Your eyes flicked down to your own scraped palms and then back over to the boy studying his own, uninjured ones. No, it couldn't be.

But when he raised a hand and confusedly rubbed his nose exactly where yours hit the concrete, it was clear this was no coincidence.

"Hey," you walked a little bit back toward him. Once his baby blue eyes were on you, you clapped your hands, creating a definite burn in your palms.

"Hey, ow!" He looked down in shock, and up in realization.

"You're..." he walked a little bit closer, but looked no more ready to introduce himself.

That's fine, you were great at taking initiative. So you stuck out your hand, "hi, I'm Y/N and I'm late for work."

"I'm Luke," he shook your hand, "and I'm glad you are."

You ended up taking the whole week off, your boss turned out to be a closet romantic, and thought that the whole thing was so cute that you "deserved it". You got to know Luke better, and found yourself already beginning to fall for the corny, lanky blonde. (And maybe those bruises on your kneecaps got worse rather than better, but that's a story for another time)


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