BGM - Love(d)

906 35 14

I'm channeling some frustration into this so it's not happy, fair warning

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS TO ME!" Luke was yelling as loud as he could at you as he paced the length of the room. His heavy footsteps seemed to make the whole floor shake as his hands pulled at his hair in frustration.

You were angrier than he was through. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? SCREAMING AT ME FOR DOING SOMETHING YOU DO ALL THE TIME!" Your jaw clenched and your eyes narrowed. He had a lot of nerve to be upset, let alone yell at you. Girls were all over him all of the time. You didn't think he was cheating on you, but you did suspect that he didn't push them off as quick as he wanted you to.

"YOU KISSED ANOTHER MAN!" The vase sitting on the kitchen table shattered against the tiled flooring. Strewn across the ground were the roses he got you for your anniversary yesterday night.

"HE KISSED ME," you corrected him, "AND YOU PUSHED HIM OFF RIGHT AWAY." It wasn't like you asked for that sleazy dude to kiss you, you were very relieved when Luke nearly punched him in the face in the club. However, when you turned around to express your gratitude at getting him off of you, Luke was already gone.

"I ONLY PUSHED HIM AWAY BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T," Luke pointed at you. His tone, his stare, his posture, they were all accusatory. He thought it was your fault.

"YOU NEARLY THREW HIM ACROSS THE CLUB BEFORE I COULD EVEN REACT!" You spluttered, "How was I supposed to push him away either? He was significantly bigger than me. Do you even know how this works, Luke? Do you know what women do when strange men assault them in clubs?"

"They don't make out with them. They don't kiss them back. They don't close their eyes and lean in. They don't wait until their boyfriend goes to the bathroom. They don't lie about it later." You thought it would be better if you stopped yelling. It wasn't. Luke's tone was biting. He was ripping into you and making you feel bad, terrible for something that wasn't your fault and you didn't ask for.

Your eyes were burning with tears, "I can't believe you're doing this. I can't believe I ever loved someone who trusts me so little and thinks that I'd cheat on him on our anniversary."

He turned away and crossed his arms, "I can't believe I ever loved you." He took a deep breath and let it out, "get your things and go."

"W-w-what? Luke! I live here!" Your breathing paused. Where would you go? You couldn't go to one of Luke's friends' houses, they'd never believe you over him. Your parents lived eight hours away. You guessed that meant a hotel until you could get yourself together. You cringed at the idea. You knew you looked terrible, makeup streaked all over your face from crying, still wearing your dress but now in sneakers. Your hair was probably everywhere. Who'd rent you a room like this?

"Not anymore," he glared at you and started to move away, toward the door. He didn't look back as he spoke, "I'm going for a drive. Be gone when I'm back."

Your heart shattered. What just happened?


"Happy. Anniversary. Baby." Luke mumbled into your ear as warm kisses were pressed down the side of your face. He concentrated on a spot just below your ear that nearly made your knees buckle in the middle of the dance floor.

You gasped and wriggled out of his hold, "you're the worst!" You said with a wide grin.

"Hmmmm," Luke bent down slightly to kiss the side of your lips, "I don't think you'll be saying that later."

"Luke!" You whined. You hated it when he said filthy things in public. You far preferred to hear them when there was no one else around.

"Relax baby," he smiled and let out a breath, "I'm going to run for the bathroom. Tell Calum if you need anything yea?" He gestured in the general direction of where you'd last seen his friend go.

You nodded, but it was unlikely Calum would be much of a help for anything. "I'll be fine. Go, that way you'll come back sooner," you gently pushed him away, toward the bathrooms. The men's room never took as long as the girls. He should be back shortly.

"Okay okay," he chuckled and started pushing his way back out of the crowd.

You decided to just keep dancing. There weren't any creepy guys around last time you checked, and moving might mean it's harder for Luke to find you later. The song that was playing faded out and then your favorite one started.

"WOOO!" You cheered along with many other clubgoers that had good taste.

The quality of your dancing greatly improved as you got more into it, and you wished Luke was there for you to experience this with.

When someone pressed themselves against your back, you assumed it was Luke, and kept dancing. He tended to do that when he didn't want to interrupt you.

"Hey pretty girl," a voice that definitely wasn't your boyfriend's growled into your ear as his hands trailed down your body, grabbing at your hips.

Immediately, you pulled away and turned to face him. He had this stupid grin on his face and was about the size and build of Luke, which was annoying because you weren't very good at physically intimidating dudes that size. "Look," you flatly addressed his annoying smirk, "I'm not interested. I have a bo-"

He was grabbing you again, pulling you closer by the arm, then waist and holding you close. You didn't have time to react and try and break free before his mouth was on yours and he tasted like morning breath. Your eyes closed as you tried to grimace, but that seemed to egg him on further. You were just picking up your leg to try and kick him when he was ripped off of you.

Luke was back! You watched proudly as he shoved the mystery man away, back into the crowd and nowhere near you. You figured you should probably tell one of the security guards that there was a man in there groping girls, but for the moment you just wanted to hug Luke. You let out a shuddery breath and turned from where the man disappeared, to where your boyfriend had been standing.

He wasn't there.


You had pulled out the suitcase you'd used months ago when moving in to shove all of your clothes in. Your vision was too clouded with tears to really allow you to see what you were doing, so you just mashed them all in, knowing you'd have to go through it later.

When the drawers were empty you ripped everything out of the closet. Everything smelled like him and it made it worse. You didn't want to leave. You didn't want to break up. But it felt like you had to. You couldn't talk it out, and you refused to just forgive for how he acted. Maybe you were more more broken than you realized.

Maybe it was better this way.

You picked up your suitcase, and took it to the bottom of the stairs. You were far calmer when it came to collecting the rest and piling it up in the foyer. Some of the bigger things you'd need to come back with help to move them, but you had everything you needed.

With your car keys in your hand, you opened the front door, ready to start taking things out to your car. First came your suitcase shoved in the back, then your bathroom stuff, pictures of you and your family, your makeup case, blankets and pillows.

You trudged back up to the front door, feeling exhausted as the sun began to rise. You needed to lock it before leaving, but there was someone you needed to say goodbye to first. You opened the door, and Petunia was laying there, looking up at you with big, sad eyes.

"I'm sorry petal," you sighed and knelt down to scratch behind her ears, "I don't want to leave you."

Petunia pushed herself up, and then snuggled her face right into your shoulder, her own little hug.

You wrapped your arms around her, and rested your cheek on the top of her soft head. "I love you petal, and so does Luke, we just aren't together anymore."

You heard Luke's car pull into the driveway, then turn off. You let go of Petunia, and have her a last stomach rub before standing up. Luke was nearly to the door. You took a deep breath and steeled yourself for him to walk through.

The door opened. Luke stood there, looking more tired than you, leaning against the doorframe. Against your better judgement, you looked at him.

Your eyes met, and Luke took a step inside.

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