BGM - You Wear His Clothes

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I'm a bad updater I know but I actually have to do my summer hw now and that's a lot of wooooooooork ewwwwww


You groaned, keeping your eyes closed as you reached around and felt for the off button on your alarm. You found it after a moment of fumbling around, and promptly turned the awful noise off. Immediately after, you realized something was very off.

Your stomach churned and you rolled out of bed, running for the bathroom you barely made it before puking your guts out into the toilet. Stupid morning sickness, they said it would end in the first trimester but nooooooo. You grabbed the counter and used it to help you pull yourself back to your feet, and over to the sink so you could brush your teeth.

When your mouth was cleansed of the taste of your regurgitated midnight snack, you waddled back out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to get dressed for the day. Getting dressed while pregnant was actually the worst, you hated trying to find clothes that fit over your enormous stomach, you hated trying to get socks and or shoes on, you hated that something that fit you last week was too small now. You just were an absolute beacon of negativity.

First you tried pulling on your new maternity dress that you had only gotten a few weeks prior. It didn't fit, evidently you were too large for even stretchy, flowy, dresses. Grumbling, you ripped it off and threw it aside. You didn't know what else to try, it was arguably the largest piece of clothing in your wardrobe. You were about ready to cry when you realized that your wonderful husband had his own overflowing dresser of clothes.

You narrowly avoided tears as you instead began to tear through Luke's clothes. Hiding under all of his jeans was an enormous sweatshirt that he had probably put there and forgot. You eagerly pulled it out, it was warm and incredibly soft on the inside. You pulled it over your head and sure enough, it fit! Already feeling so much better, you rummaged around until you found some of his stretchy sweatpants that were of course too long, but fit pretty well around your waist.

When you were fully dressed in your husband's clothes, you decided that it was time for breakfast and carefully walked down the stairs. You had to grip the banister and take it one stair at a time, but you made it to the bottom and made a beeline for the kitchen.

When you made it in, you were more than surprised to see that you weren't alone, and that Luke was sitting at the table munching on some cereal.

"Babe?" You asked, rather shocked that he was home.

"What is it baby?" His voice still had the deep rasp to it that told you he hasn't been up much longer than you.

He glanced up and his eyes widened, "are those my clothes?"

You nodded and stuck out your bottom lip, "none of mine fit me."

He chuckled and stood up. You remained still as he crossed the kitchen and walked over, "I think they look really good on you."

You scoffed and tried to push him away but Luke was too large, he just grinned and put one hand on your stomach, ducking down to kiss your lips. You allowed it, but wiped your mouth off afterward.

"Hey!" He complained, "what was that for?"

"For flirting with me when I look like a whale," you harrumphed.

Your doting husband contained his eyeroll and moved his hands around to your lower back, angling you so that you could lean against his chest. "I think you look beautiful. You're the cutest whale I've ever seen."

You just sighed and leaned against him, "at least I'm cute."

"The cutest."

Hahahahaha gn

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