BGM - Shared Skin - Soulmate AU

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I tried to write this earlier and I messed up rlly bad so here's to a second attempt

I told Kay I'd write her a Soulmate AU for each boy

Luke's prompt is - Whatever one soulmate draws on their skin shows up on the other soulmate in approximately the same place

The first thing you ever remember seeing on yourself was a crude drawing of a tree. You were 5 and you and your mother were out grocery shopping. You had been following her around the store, jumping from tile to tile while trying to keep off of the grout lines. All was normal until you completely ignored a "wet floor" sign, slipped, and went sprawling.

You remember being on the ground in tears, more scared than injured by the fall. Your mother sighed and straightened you up, checking to see if you were really hurt. She saw it first.

"Y/N!" You vividly recall the awe in her tone, "look!" She lifted up your own arm, showing you what had appeared near your wrist. A brown trunk that went all the way to your palm where a bunch of green leaves sprouted out.

"Whoaaa, Mummy there's a tree on my hand!" You said excitedly. You noticed under the tree that there were some weird scrawled purple symbols. "What's that Mummy? Where'd it come from?" You pointed at them.

"Someone who's going to be your very best friend drew that tree on their arm and it got shared with you. The other marks are probably writing, but words don't show up, they can't be shared," she explained with a light smile. You were still a little confused, but you liked new friends and that's what mattered.

"I love my best friends," you said very seriously as she took your hand and began to lead you toward the cereal aisle.

"I know you do," she affirmed, already knowing you were going to keep talking.

"-And I'm going to love my new best friend sooooo much! I'm going to draw them something when we get home," you announced as your mother grabbed a box of Frosted Flakes.

"I'm sure they'll love it," she agreed.

You still don't know if they got the purple T-Rex you drew them when you got home. You couldn't, you'd never met your soulmate. You knew he existed. Symbols, drawings, jumbled attempts at words, they all appeared on your skin. When you were younger they were imaginative creatures, robots and fairies creeping up your arms and onto your fingers. You'd draw back flowers and ninjas until you were both covered in doodles. As you got older, the drawings became more realistic, less ninjas more hearts. In middle school the two of you drew each other so many multicolored hearts, it was borderline ridiculous. It was your "thing" though. Whenever one of you drew a heart the other one drew another, or circled the previous heart with a new one. It was cute, to watch a little heart appear wherever your soulmate found room, like the tips of your fingers. That was your puppy love phase.

Now you were in college and you just really wanted to find him. It was hard though, because you weren't even sure where he lived. Whenever you tried to draw New York, where your university was, he'd draw either five tally marks or some skulls underneath. It was so frustrating. Occasionally you got a crude outline of Australia, but always with arrows pointing out of it or an "X" through it. So he wasn't in Australia, you were pretty sure. That still left a pretty wide area of where he could be though.

"I just wish he'd tell me what city at least," you complained on the phone to your best friend, "your soulmate did, why can't mine?"

"Maybe he's really bad at drawing maps?" She offered, and you could hear her soulmate shifting in the background and then a giggle from her. You decided to ignore it.

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