BGM (?) - Don't Belong Here - pt1

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It's kinda hard bc I'm not suuuuper sure that I'd say this IS a BGM, at least not yet



The flashlight in your hands illuminated a small circle of the wet ground in front of you. Everything but your little circle from your flashlight was pitch black in the darkness of the night. The forest around you was invisible, not even the full moon could shine through its thick layer of leaves. You weren't worried about getting lost though, you knew this forest well.

These trees were the same ones you romped through as a child, exploring away your afternoons while your grandmother, who was tasked with watching you, watched reruns of Days of Our Lives. You used to try and get lost to find your way home with nothing but your intuition and knowledge of the forest. You loved it so, and often found yourself back home even though your University was nowhere nearby.

This time around, you had brought Ashton, your roommate in your shared off campus apartment. He was a music major, and had been complaining for weeks that he was suffering from writers block. You had already planned the trip home to see the leaves begin to change color, and you figured the fresh air and picturesque sights would do Ashton some good.

And you were right, he had been spending the last few nights up frantically scribbling down lyrics in his overfilled notebook. It only took one hike for him to find the genius he had been lacking.

It all seemed to be going so well, great really, until he informed you that he had lost his glasses. Now, Ashton was blind without them, and you had to leave early the next morning to get back in time for an awfully important test you couldn't miss. You couldn't drive at the moment due to some circumstances out of your control that led to your license being suspended. But that's another story.

Point is, in the name of studiousness and punctuality, you were out in the dark forest without any supplies looking for a needle in a haystack. Your situation was bad on a lot of levels but you were desperate. You would've asked your parents to come out and help you look, but they had a thing about not being in the forest at night, especially when the moon was full. It made them strangely skittish, but you had never noticed anything off before.

You began to mentally wander as your monotonous task of looking for the reflective lenses became mind-bogglingly dull. You thought about what you had been studying for, and all you needed to know, along with what you wanted for breakfast and that a snack sounded good right then. It was this daydreaming that prevented you from noticing, or remembering, the large root that jutted just up enough to trip hikers without being visible over the piles of debris always covering the forest floor. Your right foot rammed right into it and you sprawled out onto the ground, face planting.

"Aughhhh," you groaned as you pushed yourself back to sit properly. You seemed fine, but there were some slimy leaves stuck to your face.

You set your flashlight down and went to pull the one off your forehead, when something darted by. You couldn't tell what, or anything about it other than it was large and remarkably quiet. Not even the leaves crunched under it, which is strange for the forest in autumn.

You instinctively picked up your flashlight and stood on your legs, still wobbly from the adrenaline. There was a distinct growl from behind you, one that sounded like a dog, but you knew that whatever had just passed by was no dog. It's size alone made it seem more like a small bear.

You turned and shined your flashlight behind you, but there was nothing there but the trees swaying in the autumn wind.

A twig snapped loudly in front of you. You quickly whipped back around, but again didn't see so much as a shadow. Whatever it was, it was playing with you. Your heart rate increased, what if it was a serial killer? Or a bear? Or a murderous clown? All of those things seemed lethal to you.

More movement began to make you think that whatever it was, there was more than one of it.

"Hello?" You called out timidly, circling your beam around to try and see something. "Is anyone there?" You tried again.

There was no response. Other than your flashlight flickering.

"No no no!" You bit down on your bottom lip and shook it. This couldn't be happening. You felt yourself begin to panic as your light began to dim and the large shadowy things began to get closer.

"NO!" You shrieked and looked around with your dying light as best as you could, "STAY BACK!"

They continued pressing forward. The last thing you saw before your light go out was a glimpse of a mouth with long, straight, white, pointy teeth. Too pointy to be human. It was grinning at you.

Your light went black and your vision left.

You could hear their soft footsteps now, but only on their terms. They taunted you, moving this way and that in a way that kept you spinning around. That is, until a wolf howl more loud, and more powerful than ever before shook the trees around you. It made you feel like you needed to obey it too. Whatever it was.

After the howl, you could hear something loud begin to sprint toward you. Heavy footsteps getting closer and louder with each stride.

You had nowhere to run, you couldn't see or hope to outrun it. Instead, you stood paralyzed in fear, listening as it approached you.

It's footsteps were the last you heard.

A warm body was radiating heat right in front of you. You could feel the presence of the thing standing so close, you knew that it was inspecting you, probably seeing if you were a threat to it.

You just kept still, trying not to move or anger it in any way.

It's hot breath fanned across your face once. It wasn't unpleasant like you had expected, it smelled like fresh earth and clean air, not rotting meat.

Wait... what?

You were ready to scream, to yell, to call for help.

But the thing seemed to already know. Oh moved toward you even more, and before you knew what was happening, you were unconscious.

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Yep. I was feeling festive

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