BGM - Mermaid AU

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Haha Idk what this is but it's something

Also Doodle5sos isn't on Wattpad for the week so we're all gonna spam her stuff and message boards if anyone wants to participate

Mashton!Brothers (so I guess it's a Mashton BSM too)

(Ik I have a book for 5SOS AUs but these are so short it would be silly to put them there)

Y'ALL I'M ON TUMBLR NOW YOU CAN FOLLOW ME IT'S THE EXACT SAME USERNAME AS THIS but there's literally almost nothing on it so

"Hey. Hey. Hey Y/N," you woke up to the melodic screeching of your brother Michael poking the side of your face.

"Hey. Hey. Hey Michael? Why don't you go fuck off?" You retorted while shoving his hands away, all while keeping your eyes closed. You weren't about to wake up unless he had a damn good reason.

"Hmph. That was rude little sister. I just came to tell you two playthings moved into that lighthouse down on the bay," Michael harrumphed as he swam back and out of your grip.

"What?" Now that got your attention. You loved humans! They were so precious, bumbling around on their stumpy little legs.

Michael mostly liked to mess with them, acting like he was a drowning man who needed saving and then disappearing when they swam out to get him, or maybe making voices and sounds to scare them on dark nights.

Ashton had almost no interest in humans. He found them to be lesser than him, and didn't want to meddle in their frivolous affairs.

You just liked to watch them, you had tried to talk to one once, but she ran away in terror when she saw your tail. How funny! She didn't know what a tail was. It was a rare treat to see them though, your beach was rather remote, far away from the nearest town and the rocky soil made it undesirable to the land-dwellers. The only humans you saw on a regular basis were those who upkept the light house, it used to be an old woman, but she had passed a a few months back.

But now, you had two new humans to watch. How lucky!

"I'm going to go see now!" You chirped happily as you swam right past Michael and out of the little inlet of the coral reef you slept in.

You passed by Ashton who only glanced up from some work he was doing on the sea floor, "morning Y/N."

"Morning Ashton! I'm off to the lighthouse," you called excitedly while moving past.

You think he let out a grunt of agreement, but you couldn't be sure as you were moving so quickly. You made it to the bay in record time. You were ready to swim right back to the rocky outlets to watch when you saw something strange near the surface. Were those...?

You swam up a little, so you could see the surface better. Sure enough, there were two kicking legs there, bare to the thigh at which point fabric covered them. Another amusing quirk of the humans. Clothes. You supposed that maybe humans had a reason for them, but not one you'd ever discovered.

You noted how long the legs were, and covered in brown hair. You'd never seen such hairy legs. How peculiar, now you just had to see what the human looked like above the waist and waterline.

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