BGM - Doodled Hearts

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This is more of a collection of blurby stuff

Not in the usual tense either. Idk why that's just how it ended up

High school AU, also no band 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's cute tho I prooomise

The first time he saw a doodled heart was chemistry class. His lab partner, a quiet, mousy girl who didn't talk to him much had drawn a trail of little ones in red pen down the margin of her chem homework. A quirk, that he observed, was a habitual and founding part of her routine. All of her papers, her hands, her notebooks, had the same perfectly symmetrical little red hearts.

Until one day, sitting next to her at their assigned table, listening to a rather dull lecture on valence electrons, he looked over to her side and saw her completed homework for the day - heart free. With brows furrowed in confusion he leaned back in his chair and looked over to inspect this peculiarity further, no hearts to be seen. There were none on her notes that she was passively scribbling down as the teacher spoke; none on her hands that looked freshly scrubbed clean like she had just purged them of any red ink; and none in her face where she was furiously biting down on her lip, to the point where even Luke could see the blood beginning to form.

This was alarming indeed, but he had never spoken to her in a non-chem related fashion so he didn't even know how to approach the situation. Then he watched, with an increasing amount of personal distress, a small sniffle and a large tear come from Y/N. A large drop of water that only got halfway down her cheek before she was wiping it away with her sleeve.

No, this would not do. Luke maybe wasn't Y/N's friend, but he still cared about her. He was an empathetic guy, and she seemed so nice, just really quiet. He had to see if there was anything he could do.

"Y/N?" He whispered as not to draw the teacher's attention.

There was a slight movement in her shoulders, tensing as they drew together. Her pen froze on the paper but she didn't look his way or respond.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Luke tried again, moving toward her just a little bit as not to frighten her but to get a better look at her expression. She seemed to be surprised, bitten red lip released from its confines between her teeth and eyebrows raised in shock.

Then she looked over at him, and for a moment Y/E/C met blue and it felt like the world stopped. Her eyes were a little red around the edges from trying not to cry, but still were some of the prettiest Luke's ever seen. He could feel his own widening and she looked away almost immediately.

With a light sigh, she ripped a piece of paper from her notebook and in beautiful cursive wrote Luke a note across the top.

My best friend is mad at me for "flaking" on her because I didn't go to this party she wanted me to. I know she just wants me to socialize more, but I don't like large groups of people so I stayed home. Now she's not talking to me and I don't know what to do.

Luke could feel her watching him as he read the note, and he mulled over his thoughts before carefully responding.

If she really was just trying to help you, then she isn't really mad, just frustrated. It probably seems bad now but any best friend will apologize before the day's over.

He slid the paper back over to her, and saw her expression brighten as she read his note. She scribbled something fast and shoved it over to him.

You think so?

He grinned as he wrote his own reply.

I know so.

She relaxed, and as if she noticed him watching for the first time, Y/N's cheeks bloomed in a blush and she wrote something down, looking over at Luke through the corner of her eye, and then hesitated before sliding it over.

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