BGM - Super Hero AU

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"Superhero Doctor Fluke has reportedly just been spotted on the East Side pursuing the pet thief that had been terrorizing the area for months."

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up from your book. Doctor Fluke was doing what now? Without informing you? Oh no.

Your boots echoed against the concrete floor of the underground hideout as you ran to the control terminal. The glow of the massive screens illuminated your face as you sat down in your swivel chair and jammed your headset on.

"Please tell me you aren't on the tail of the puppy-napper," you sighed. It wasn't that you didn't want the guy to be brought into custody, you really did. You felt for all of the families that the man has stolen from over the past few months but you also had done almost no research. Luke wasn't supposed to work spontaneously on these kinds of things. Normally you did background research so that you knew what you were up against. Last time he went after someone out of the blue he almost blew up the entire city.

"Relax, the dude is a scumbag who picks up puppies, there's no way he's going to have a thermonuclear bomb," Luke reasoned by clearly avoiding your questions. One thing he couldn't avoid was that the phone in his pimped out car was hands-free, so you could hear everything. From the screeching of his own wheels to the loud noise of nearby sirens. He was most definitely in pursuit.

"That's what you said last time," you hissed as you activated the terminal. The screens glowed brighter as they showed where Luke was, a little silver and grey icon on the map of the city's roads.

"COMPUTER!" You ordered, already beginning to look up what you could, "TRACK THE CAR IN FRONT OF LUKE!"

"Tracking," your computer hummed in response. Your access to the traffic cameras all over the city allowed you to track most vehicles most of the time. Almost immediately after a red dot appeared on the map in front of Luke's icon. That was him.

"Luke I got eyes on you both," you informed him, watching the screen with expressed interest.

"Good to know. I got eyes on both of us too," he teased.

"Haha," you rolled your eyes and typed away, looking for all you could dig up on the guy. "There isn't much on him, just a general description based off of security footage. Tall, stocky, wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses," you sighed and clicked on the footage.

It was grainy, but showed an apartment building and a teenage boy walking out cradling a puppy in his arms. It was just a little thing, and when he set it down on the ground it exploded into a ball of energy, running around him and all over. The boy laughed and shook his head, watching as the little dog began sniffing out a place on the ground to do its business. He pulled out his phone and leaned against a street sign. Fatal mistake. With his attention gone, you could see a figure with their back to the camera walk by and just pick up the dog, tucking it into his jacket and moving on in one fluid motion. When the boy looked back down and saw his dog was gone he freaked out. But it was too late.

"Damn, he's good," you muttered.

"I figured, ya know, taking dozens of pets and avoiding being caught," Luke grunted and you watched as his car took a turn way too fast to try and keep up with the other car.

"Shouldn't you be more focused on... I don't know- driving?" You sassed him back.

"Sure thing babe," he grunted and then the feed cut out. He hung up on you.

"Oh that little-" you harrumphed as you tore off your headset and put it back on the console. There wasn't really anything you could do for him, but it was rude to hang up unannounced.

For the next three hours you watched as; Luke finally caught up with the guy after quite the chase; went with the police to his hideout, and presumably found a bunch of pets; and then finally started making his way back to you.

"Incoming call from Hemmatron," the computer said as Luke's ugly mug popped up on the screen. You rolled your eyes at the nickname as you hit accept. He better apologize.

"Hey baby," he said sweetly, too sweetly, "sorry for hanging up earlier, that was rude of me."

"Mhmmm," you agreed, already suspicious. There was something going on that he hadn't told you, you could just feel it. If it was a bomb you would actually blow your top.

"I'm on my way back," he said, fully knowing that you knew that.

"Mhmmmm," you repeated.

There was a soft whimper in the background. It didn't sound human either.

"Luke! What was that?" You asked. You were really hoping that he hadn't done what you were thinking he did. Namely, take home a dog.

"What? That was... my stomach! I'm famished," he chuckled nervously.

There was a bark right after that, one that you knew was NOT Luke.

"What was that then?" You rubbed your temples. Where would you put a dog? You and Luke were constantly moving between your shared apartment and the hideout, you didn't want to have to lug a dog around too.

"Okay hear me out!" He blurted, "Yes, it's a dog but she's soooo cute and she was a stray that was taken and her name's Petunia and I already love her and please please pleaaaaase? She can be the mascooooooot!" Luke begged.

You were feeling more like his mother than his girlfriend in that moment as you pinched the bridge of your nose and exhaled loudly, "fine."

"Yes! I love you babe! You're the best, I know you'll love her she's just so precious," he coped, clearly talking more to the dog than you.

"Yeah yeah, I love you too," you said almost begrudgingly. Almost.

"Petunia's slobbering all over my seat. Gotta go! Love you, Fluke out," and with that he hung up on you for the second time that night.

"Why am I dating that dork?" You muttered to yourself.

"Beats me," Calum, who must've entered the hideout while you were distracted, commented.

He scared the life out of you and you shrieked, "CALUM?!"

"Hey, I hear dog and I come runnin'," he shrugged.

"Luke got a dog and he named it Petunia and they're on their way here now," you replied bluntly.

"Wait really?" Calum's face lit up and he started bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Yep," you nodded.

"I'm gonna go wait by the door! Cal-Pal out!" He squealed and ran away.

"And I'm gonna go take a nap," you said to yourself, "Y/N out."

"IT'S NOT AS COOL WHEN YOU DO IT!" He yelled from down the hallway.


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