BGM - When He Gets Home From Work

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Lmao I have to do a non BGM next bc that's all I've done so far whoops

Sitting, waiting, watching. When would the heavy footsteps of your beloved boyfriend come clomping into the house? It felt like you had been waiting for him to come home ever since he left, which was in a way true.

You see you had the day off, the power had gone out at your work the night before and it wasn't up yet. Since there was no wifi or electricity you got a free day off to spend at your leisure. You and Luke had slept in and then made breakfast together before he had to go. A lingering kiss on the forehead and a blonde head ducking out the door was the last interesting thing you'd done. Since then it'd been rather boring as you had nothing to do at all. All you really wanted was to spend time with Luke anyway, if only the studio had lost power as well.

Your head peeked up from your seat at the counter when you heard a car pull into the driveway. That had to be him.

You climbed down and walked up to the door. You could hear his car door open then slam shut. Then the heavy echo of his boots on the sidewalk as he made his way to the door. You stood right in front of the doorway, ready when he tiredly swung it open.

As soon as you saw Luke's handsome face you pushed yourself up, grabbing his biceps in each hand and tilting your head back, asking for a kiss.

"Goodness baby, you scared me," Luke let out a deep chuckle, craning his neck down to peck at your lips.

But you weren't satisfied.

"Luuuuukey I've been bored allllll day, I need more," you whined.

He raised an eyebrow, maintaining eye contact with you as he stepped into the house.

"More huh?" He grinned.

You nodded eagerly. Looking rather eager himself, Luke kicked the door shut with one of his feet while his arms were occupied with hoisting you up into the air.

"Whoa!" You squeaked as he flipped you around so your back was pressed against the door. He had a firm grasp on your thighs which he wrapped around his waist as he leaned in. Your arms went around his neck as his nose brushed against yours.

"Is this enough?" He teased, keeping his lips almost against yours, just barely hovering.

"Not quite," you mumbled. You closed your eyes and leaned in, easily connecting your lips in a much needed kiss.

The house became silent except for the soft noises of Luke's tongue invading your mouth and panting to replace oxygen lost during the make-out session.

When Luke pulled back and pressed his forehead against yours you opened your eyes again. They were greeted by the pale blue orbs of your boyfriend's eyes as he grinned at you.

"You just made a pretty mediocre day great," he kissed the tip of your nose, "thank you babygirl."

"You're welcome Lukey-Pookey but I'm not done yet," you giggled and pulled at the little hairs on the base of his neck.

"Oh?" He asked, gripping your thighs just a little tighter.

"Nope, I think that a pre-dinner cuddling session is in order," you booped the end of his nose with one of your fingertips.

He relaxed his hold and nodded thoughtfully, "that sounds perfect."

He gently pulled you away from the door and you leaned forward. Once your head was safely laid on his shoulder and he had a solid grip on your legs to hold you up, Luke ascended to your shared bedroom.

He slipped off his shoes to matched your sock-covered feet and then laid you down on the bed. You waited for him to settle down on his back before crawling on top. Your legs tangled with his as your arms wrapped around his middle and your ear settled just over his heart. This was your favorite position, you liked to hear the steady thumping of Luke's heartbeat, it made you feel closer to him. In return, Luke's large arms blanketed you, holding you down to him.

"I love you Princess," he sighed in contentment, lazily letting a hand trace the vertebrae of your spine.

"I love you more," you reminded him, sticking your tongue out.

"I love you most," he said smugly, since he thought he won.

"I love you the mostest," you laughed.

"That isn't a word," he complained, "you're cheating."

"All is fair in love and war," you shrugged against his chest.

"Yeah yeah, but it's only fair because I love you the mostestest," he added on.

"Or is it because I love you the mostestestest?" You asked.

"Nope, I could do this all day, that's how much I love you," Luke assured you, "I love you the mostestestestest."

"Oh yeah? Well I love you the mostestestestes-? Mostestestestestestest?" You were beginning to struggle with the sheer number of suffixes that made the word hard to pronounce.

"I guess I win," Luke laughed a little victory ha-ha.

"You win the battle not the war because I still love you the most," you pulled one of your arms out just to poke him in the center of his chest.


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