BGM - CoC - Werewolf AU - 7

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Second to last part!

What a lovely series I liked this one soooo becoming a book with an OC

Warning: cringe smut below. I'll put little warning emojis in for y'all (I call it the early penis detection system) (and I mean real actual smut my dudes)(I don't write this stuff often)

You dreamed you were lost in the desert. As far as the eye could see in any direction there was nothing but sand and the occasional green cactus sprouted out of the ground.

Luke? You tried to mind link him.

He didn't immediately answer, and you could not sense any of his feelings. You tried to reach for your own wolf, but the corner of your mind she always seemed to be in was empty. You were truly alone.

"LUUUUKE?" You tried yelling instead.

You squinted in the bright light and lifted your hand to protect your eyes. The sun was blazing down upon you and your skin was on fire. As your mouth and throat grew dry, you tried to focus on breathing through your nose. The hot sand was sinking into your sandals as you slowly turned around in every direction, burning your feet. Everywhere you looked was the same, and Luke was not there to help you.

The sun was rising quickly in the sky until it was beating down directly on you, somehow hotter than before. Your hair began to stick to your forehead, wet with sweat. You would die of exposure if you didn't find shade. You took a step forward, toward a sand dune some great distance in front of you. Perhaps there you would have a better vantage point, if you could reach it at all.

With every step, the sun punished you by raising the temperature. Your skin felt like it was on fire even as it was coated in sweat. You were dehydrating fast, and there was no water to replenish you with.

Your slow walk turned into a trudge and black dots began to circle the edges of your vision. This was not good at all.

Luke, please. You reached out again as your knees gave out and you sunk into the red hot sand.

"No," you winced and tried to push yourself back up to your feet as your arms and legs burned and blistered at the contact. Your muscles burned and were shaking so terribly you lost your balance and toppled back over.

It was no use. You gave up and limply collapsed, staring straight up at the fiery ball above you.

... ⚠️🛑🍆⬇️

"Y/N!" Luke's voice was panicked and you felt the bed dip under you as he frantically climbed up.

You began to separate reality from your awful dream. You were still hot and panting, but you were in bed and Luke was there. His hands touched your arm gently and he was like ice putting out the fire.

"Luke" You reacted immediately, pushing yourself up and wrapping your arms around his bare shoulders. The burn fizzled out for a moment, and you pushed yourself closer.

"Y/N," he gently pushed you back down, much to your chagrin, "my love this is-"

He paused and took a deep breath in. You stared up into his face and saw his pupils begin to dilate. He let out a low growl and you reached down to begin to pull at the bottom of your shirt. You wanted him to make the pain and the fire go away. You began to pant as your vision clouded over. You only had one thing on your mind, you wanted Luke to touch you everywhere.

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