BGM - Not Afraid

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Haha I'm BACK

I've missed y'all! It feels weird to not have written for sooo long

A loud boom of thunder from the sky outside your cozy bedroom pulled you from your fantastical dreams. One moment you were frolicking in a room full of puppies, the next you were groggily opening your eyes while wondering what in the world was going on.

It was still dark in your room, but you squinted nonetheless as you glanced at your alarm clock. The neon green numbers let you know that it was three in the morning, just great. You were about to go back to sleep when the thunder again roared, so loudly that it felt like the house shook. After which there was a barely discernible whimper that you almost didn't catch over the heavy noise of rain hitting the roof.

You flipped over, just then realizing that Luke wasn't close to you like he normally was. Instead, you found your punk rock boyfriend curled up on the edge of the bed under several blankets.

"Lukey?" You whispered quietly. You rubbed your eyes and sat up. "Are you okay?" Maybe he was hurt or in pain and that's why he whimpered. Either way, you had to make sure he was alright.

More ground shaking thunder, this time accompanied by a visible shudder. It seemed like Luke was reacting to the noise. Was he scared of thunder? You had never noticed it before, but as you thought back the blonde was always a bit skittish around storms.

"Oh baby," you sighed and turned on your bedside light. You wished that he had told you, you didn't want Luke to feel like he ever had to keep secrets. You loved him and wouldn't ever judge his fears.

Before the next loud rumble you moved closer to your boyfriend. You pushed the covers down so you could see his head and give him some fresh air. Luke's knees were pulled up to his chest and his eyes were squeezed shut. You noted his very controlled in and out breathing like he was bracing himself and that his hands were balled into tight fists.

"Baby, it'll be okay I promise," you hummed, pulling his head onto your lap. His long curls were slightly damp with sweat as you ran your fingers through them comfortingly. Your other hand reached down to one of Luke's, you gently rubbed over his fingers to try and get him to relax.

The thunder came again, and you felt him physically flinch and tense.

"Shhhh," you gently rubbed down the back of his neck and to his shoulders, "I'm here, it's just a storm."

"I don't like thunder," Luke admitted quietly into your thigh while gradually relaxing into your soft touches.

His fingers released their iron grip and opened, allowing you to intertwine his with your own.

"I realize," you chuckled, "why didn't you tell me before?"

When the thunders unrelenting noise again rattled the house Luke squeezed your hand and let out a shuddery breath. He took a moment before answering, "it's embarrassing. Only little kids are scared of thunder."

You tutted, "anyone can be scared of thunder babe, little kids and fully grown men. It doesn't make you any less strong for admitting it." You reassured him with a soft tone and gentle palm against his cheek.

"It's usually not this bad. I haven't really been bothered by it in a while. This storm is just really crazy," he sighed and stretched out.

You continued to comfort him while he recounted what he used to do in times like these. As a child he'd go to Liz, and on long tours during storms he'd come up with excused to squeeze into one of the other boys' bunks for the night. Everyone knew but no one said anything.

When he was done you could see he was exhausted. Luke's eyelids were drooping as he yawned loudly. He needed to sleep but the storm hadn't quite passed. You pursed your lips as you thought. So far your touch had helped him relax, maybe it would help him sleep as well.

"Roll over," you pulled back from Luke, giving him space to flip from his stomach to his back.

"What're you doin'?" He asked tiredly as he complied.

"Getting comfortable," you smiled at him before you flicked off the lights. The room was again dark as you slid back under the covers.

You slid on top of Luke's chest, resting your head on his heart and slotting your leg between his. You let your arms cradle his middle and you laid down to try and cover as much of him as possible.

"Y/N?" He asked, gently laying a hand on your lower back.

"Shhhh, just go back to bed I'm right here," you promised, feeling rather sleepy as well.

Luke laid back down and went with it. And next time the thunder outside boomed loudly, he didn't even flinch.

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