Chapter 5: Home Bound

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The next day we all got up and put on comfy clothes we packed our bags and went to my brothers room. We were all saying bye Taylor came and gave me a big hug he said "don't forget to call and text me Mikaykay".

I laughed and said "I won't Tay Tay"

I gave Aaron,Cameron, and Nash hugs then Matt came over he gave me a big hug "Don't be afraid to text me or call me I'm really gonna miss you" I hugged him back "I will text you all the time I'm gonna miss you 2 Matty". After I finished giving hugs and saying bye to the rest of the boys me Britney and The Jacks went to the airport we got on the plane and settled down me and Britney talked for awhile them she fell asleep I put my headphones in and listened to music the rest of the way. When we landed we expected my mom or dad to pick us up but instead standing there grinning at us was none other than Grace my brothers girlfriend of a year. She ran and gave Jack a big hug me Britney and Jack J stood to the side and laughed. After there reunion we all got in her car and went back to our house Britney spent the night with me and Jack J stayed with Jack. Me and Britney were in my room and she was on her phone when all of a sudden she screamed I jumped and asked what was wrong? She handed me her phone and I looked at the messages Hayes had just asked her out. I laugh "good I'm glad y'all definitely were flirting during Magcon" she rolls her eyes"What about you and Matt y'all were flirting, cuddling and have been texting since our plane landed. She was right "ok I really like Matt that's true but I don't think he likes me" Why don't you ask she says as she hands me my phone. Matt had been on the phone the entire time I took the phone from her and put it to my ear. (Phone Convo M-Mikayla Ma-Matt)

M-How much of that did you hear?

Ma-All of it

M-Well that's embarrassing

Ma-No it's not I'm glad she called me


Ma-Because I like you 2 I've always liked you


Ma-Yes really and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend??


(End of Convo)

We said goodbye and I hung up Britney starts screaming I scream 2. "Oh my gosh we both have Magcon Boys" she yells "I know I can't believe it" We stay up texting the boys the rest of the night and watching different shows on tv.

Authors Note

Does anybody like my story? -Mikayla

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