Chapter 32

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I wake up to Taylor staring at me.

"Have you been watching me sleep?"

"Yeah for like 5 seconds"



"Okay so who gets the shower first?"

"You can have it"

"Thanks Tay Tay"

"Welcome Babe"

I shower then after drying off I put on lotion and get dressed. I wear shorts, a batman t-shirt, a black beanie, and my vans. Taylor showers then puts on cargo shorts and a muscle shirt. We walk hand in hand to Aaron and Cameron's room. We all go to breakfast at Taco Bell. After breakfast it's time for Magcon.

We start with some dancing and then Shawn, Jacob, and I sing. We all get mics and sit in the stage @askmagcon. The normal questions are asked and answered. Then when it's my turn I pick a girl and her question is "There are rumors that you and Matt broke up are they true" Taylor answers for me saying "Well yeah they are but she dumped him". Then they all start yelling Why? I say "It's a long story but let's just say our relationship wasn't gonna last forever and we finally realized that but I think it's safe to say we are both much happier" Matt chimes in "We are both happier we've both moved on but it doesn't mean we made a mistake I think it's just what had to happen I wasn't even the first guy Mikayla had a crush on here it was Cameron so I'm glad I got her instead of him" All the girls are silent as they wait for Cameron to speak. "Matt the only reason you got her was because it was 2 more months till her birthday where she would be legal for me to date but now that you are Mikayla call me" and he winks. Now Taylor says something "I don't think so Cameron you better back up bud she's mine" It's Taylor's turn next for a question and she ask "What do you mean Mikayla is yours?"

"Me and her are dating we've liked each other for awhile before she met Matt and it took me there entire relationship to get the nerve to tell her how I feel."

Next somebody shouts "Jack G what do you think about all this?"

He looks at me and says

"Truthfully she's my little sister and I don't want her dating any douche bag but I guess if she's gonna I'd rather it be Taylor"

"What about Matt?"

"Well there's some tension between me and him right now and I don't think it was a good idea for her to date him because they hadn't known each other as long as she's known Taylor."

That's the end of the discussion about me and Taylor, and Matt. They ask more questions and soon Magcon is done. We all head back to the rooms I ask Taylor if he wants to go swimming just the 2 of us. He says yes so we get changed he puts on his swim trunks and I put on my orange strapless bikini. We head downstairs to the pool and find Cameron and Aaron there already.

"Where is everybody else?"

"Off doing there own thing I guess"


Then Cameron smirks and says "Well isn't this awkward seeing the man of your dreams when your with your boyfriend"

"Shut up Cameron"

"I was serious ya know that's the only reason Matt got you"

"I'm not a trophy"

"I know that but I would've totally tried to put the move on you if it had been 2 months later"

"I bet you would've"

We all swim and have fun despite the slight tension between Cameron and Taylor. I swim over to Taylor and give him a kiss on the lips.

"What was that for?"

"1. Because I wanted to and 2. Because I wanted to remind you of who I'm dating it was a silly little crush I had on Cameron so there's no need for you to start acting weird and watching every move we make when we hang out"

"I know it's just I finally got you and I'm not loosing you"

"Who said you'd ever loose me?"

"No one it's just how I feel"

"Well don't"

"I'll stop if you kiss me again"


Shortly after we head back upstairs and I take a shower and put on a tank top and shorts. We put in a movie and lay down soon falling asleep.

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