Chapter 25

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I wake up next to Matt I kiss him and roll out of bed. I head downstairs to find Grace sitting at the island drinking a glass of orange juice. She looks up when I walk in and smiles

"So how's the love birds?"

"Fine why?"

"Just asking y'all are moving up in your relationship aren't you?"

"Yeah I mean I got a promise ring"

"He really loves you Mikayla I could see y'all getting married"

"I kinda can I mean we've only been together for 5 and a half months so I'm not gonna jump ahead"

"True true"

"Yeah so what about you and Jack?"

"What about us?"

"How are y'all doing"

"Great actually it's amazing I've been dating my best friend for almost 2 years"

"I was jealous of your relationship till I started dating Matt"

"Awww I'm glad you got Matt he's so good to you"

"Yeah he is"

About that time Matt walks in

"I know why wouldn't I be she's my babe"

"See y'all are to cute"

I laugh as Matt gives me a kiss he grabs some cereal and sits beside me. Jack comes down shortly and joins the conversation about the next Magcon. We all talk about how much fun it's going to be and Jack talks about how much he's going to miss Grace. I look at Grace and she smirks. After we eat we all get dressed and head to my uncles house. We pick up my 2 little cousins and take them to the park. Avery and Emma run ahead of us laughing and playing with Matt and Jack. They all run to the slides and Matt and Jack help them go down. Grace and I sit and watch

"Mikayla I think we have 2 great fathers in the making"

"Grace I think you're right"

"Look at them Avery and Emma love them"

"Jack has always been good with them and when they met Matt they instantly loved him"

"That's so adorable those boys playing with them"

"It is"

We walk over to the boys and Emma wants to go on the swings so I join her. While we are swinging she says "Mikayla I like your boyfriend"

"I like him to Emma"

"Is he gonna be around forever?"

"I don't know"

"Why don't you know he needs to be"

"Why is that?"

"He's awesome are y'all gonna get married?"

"I don't know Emmy"

"I'm gonna go ask him"

"You do that"

She runs over to Matt and pulls on his shirt when he bends down she whispers In his ear. He looks at me and whispers in her ear. She runs back over grinning

"What did he say?"

"He told me not to tell you"


"Can I anyways?"

"Go ahead"

"He said that he plans on making you Mrs. Espinosa someday and I think that means marriage doesn't it"

"Yes it does Emmy"

"Yay can I be at the wedding?"

"Girl go play and stop worrying about if I'm getting married or not"

"Fine but if you do I better be there"

"You will be"


She runs off and joins Avery at the jungle gym. I sit there swinging by myself for awhile then Matt walks over and sits on the other swing.

"So are we getting married?"

"Not yet babe"

"But one day in the future could you see us getting married?"


"What's maybe mean?"

"Means if you play your cards right I'll marry you someday"


"In the future i am to young to be married"

"I know"

"And I will not be a teen mom either so don't think I'll marry you if you get me pregnant"

"I never said that"

"You were thinking it Woody"

"Yeah I might've been"

"Well don't it's not happening"

"Whatever atleast I'm dating you"

He swings with me for awhile before pulling me on his lap and kissing me. Avery runs up "Ewww are y'all getting married?"

"Why do you 2 keep asking that?" I say

"We like Matt he's awesome"

"I know he is but were not getting married"

"He's not leaving is he?"

"No he's staying around for a long time"


Then he runs back to Grace and Jack who are walking over. They say we should be getting the kids back. We walk them home and they get hugs and kisses before going back inside. We walk to our house and Grace gives Jack a hug and kiss then leaves. Matt kisses me for atleast 3 minutes then hugs me and heads home. I walk inside to find Jack eating chips and Mom and Dad in the living room watching some detective show. I head up to my room and flip through the channels finding Wild'n Out I put it on and lay down. I text Tay Tay, Matt, and Hannah we all talk about different things. Taylor asks about Jack and Matt, Matt and I talk about Emma and Avery and Magcon, and Hannah and I talk about her and Carter and suprising Jack with Grace. I get called down to dinner which is Lasagna and garlic bread after eating I sit on the patio watching the sunset. Once it's dark I go back inside I shower and lay on my bed twirling my ring around my finger just admiring it. I fall asleep around 11:00.


Hey guys been awhile hope you enjoyed this chapter:) Love y'all I haven't said that recently but I do

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