Chapter 48

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*End of February beginning of March*
I'm so close to my due date I'll be a mommy any day now. I can barely sit up on my own. My stomach adds about 50 extra pounds it's so big. Titan and Taylor and I head to Jack and Grace's were all hanging out for a little quality time. I can't wait to see my little Ruby she's the cutest thing ever. When we get there Titan Holly and Bambi all go into the backyard to play. The rest of us sit in the living room Ruby sitting on Taylor's lap beside me because she can't fit on mine. Jack makes fun of me but soon shuts up because of the death glare I'm giving him.

"Jack your a real Asswhole you know that right?"

"I don't give a damn about what you say"

"Okay JackAss"

We soon head home so I can go to sleep.

*March 15th*
It's 5 days past my due date when I'm walking to the bathroom when my water breaks. Taylor rushes to get all of our bags and puts Titan in his pen with water. We go to the car he buckles me in and tries to get me there as fast but safe as possible. When we finally arrive they put me in a wheelchair and take me to a room. I put on a gown and they put me in the bed hooking me up to a IV and checking to see how far into labor I am. The contractions are starting to hurt worse and worse. Taylor stays beside me letting me squeeze his hand whenever a pain hits. My parents arrive shortly after we did. My mom stands on the opposite side of Taylor. The doctor comes in to tell me I am far enough along that I can have the epidural. (It's a shot that makes it less painful to have a baby) everyone has to leave the room but as soon as it's done they all come back in. Soon they say I can start pushing.

*30 minutes later*
I hear crys as my little girl and boy are dried off. You heard me correctly little boy and girl I had twins. They hand both of them to me one in each arm and ask if we already have the names picked out. Taylor is to busy staring at the twins to pay attention so I answer.

"Yes we do the little girl is Rebecca Lynn Caniff and the boy is Levi Bentley Caniff"

My mom is beaming with happiness as she holds Rebecca and Taylor holds Levi. I'm so happy they are finally here we didn't tell Jack and Grace what I had we just told them I was in labor. When they get to the hospital and enter my room Jack is taken aback because he see two babies. Grace just smiles and says "Aw twins what are their names"
I repeat their names and Jack and Grace take turns holding them. After a few hours I'm really tired so I start to fall asleep everyone has left and Taylor has put the twins to sleep. It doesn't last for long but when they cry I don't have to get up and get them at least for now. Taylor never leaves the hospital we get Jack and Grace to go pick up Titan and keep him at their house until we go home. After two days we can finally go home. When we put the twins in their car seats and I sit beside them they have the cutest little grins on their faces. Rebecca has dirty blonde hair while Levi has black. When we get home we change them and put them down for a nap. Grace and Jack bring Titan over and we put him in his crate until we can introduce him to the twins. Jack and Grace and Ruby stay for awhile until they have to go. Right after they leave I hear one of the twins crying I go into their room to see Rebecca crying and thrashing her arms. I go pick her up and rock her a little bit when she drifts back to sleep I put her down and make sure Levi is ok. Then I join Taylor on the couch. We're both exhausted but we don't get to relax long before the twins are up again and crying for a bottle.

*2 weeks later*
The twins have started sleeping through the night and are settling in perfectly. When we introduced Titan to them he licked their feet tickling them then he laid down beside them when they were on a blanket in the floor. He has been extremely patient and hasn't hurt them once. They seem to like him they always grin and laugh whenever he licks them. I couldn't ask for a better life. Married to my best friend I have two beautiful children and a gorgeous home not to mention and awesome dog. Grace has been bringing Ruby over often to see Rebecca an Levi. Whenever they come over Jack comes to watch tv with Taylor in the other room. We give the twins a bath then a bottle before putting them in bed and then we go to our room and I fall on the bed drifting off to sleep.

Surprise it's twins!!!! The sequel will be published sometime soon after I make sure everything is good. I want to write a few more chapters in this book though talking about the first year or two with the twins.

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