Chapter 23

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When I finally come to it's around 8:30 my heads hurting and I still have everything from last night on. I get up take a shower and put on yoga pants and a hoodie over my tank top. I slowly make my way downstairs dreading seeing Matt. When I reach the kitchen he's sitting there with Jack he looks up as I walk in. I instantly turn around and make my way outside to the patio. I sit in the chair curled up in a ball silently sobbing because of how big a idiot I am. I hear the door open and shut then footsteps come towards me I turn my head away not glancing up. I feel the person sit beside me I smell Matts body wash so I look up. It's him he looks right at my red puffy eyes he doesn't say anything he just pulls me into a hug. I slowly hug back still crying he pulls me onto his lap whispering in my ear

"Babe please stop crying I'm not mad we were both acting stupid last night I know that I already apologized to Taylor he didn't remember anything please forgive me I love you"

"I forgive you"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes but just because I love you doesn't mean I have to like you"

"Hey your the one grinding on my friend"

"Your the one who started it so shut up and kiss me already"

"My pleasure"

He presses his lips to mine and we sit there making out for 3 minutes. We pull apart and I smile at him wiping my tears he says "I Love You So Much"

"I Love You More"

"Not possible"

"Yes possible"

We both laugh and get up hand in hand and walk back inside. When Jack sees us he smiles "Glad you 2 made up"

We just laugh and I eat some breakfast.

*2 months later*

Matt and his family have moved right down the street he's been going to my school for almost 2 months. We are as happy as ever been dating for 5 months. Prom is next Friday and Matt hasn't asked me yet. I can't wait to see what he does Grace has picked out her dress already she's wearing a dark purple floor length gown with sequins all over and it's strapless. When We get back from school Matt and I go upstairs to my room to work on homework. I go into the bathroom to change put of my jeans and I see sticky notes all over my shower curtain. They say


I laugh as I walk back into my room not mentioning the curtain he watches me as I grab my binder and work. I walk casually to my desk sitting it down then I run over and jump on him landing beside him on the bed screaming

"YASS" he grins before kissing me

"Good now don't forget a sexy dress"

"Trust me it will be"

"Damn can't wait babe"

"I bet don't try nothing Espinosa"

"Not yet Gilinsky"

"Not for atleast a year of dating"


"Because dumbass I'm not ready"

"Fine I'll wait"


We go back to the stupid homework for Math. After a couple of hours and dinner Matt goes back home I lay on my bed texting Tay Tay and Hannah. After the fight Taylor and Matt made up and Taylor apologized to me were all good now. Eventually I fell asleep dreaming about all kinds of stuff.

*Next Day*

I wake up and call Grace shrieking over the phone "Dress shopping he asked me" she yells "Yayy let me get ready I'll pick you up in 15"

"Okay I'll be here"

I hang up and get dressed I can't wait to look at dresses. When Grace gets to my house I run out to her car we turn the radio up and head to a little dress shop. We look around for awhile before I find the prettiest hot pink dress it's strapless with a slit up the side and sequins and a little bow at the top of the slit. We pay for it and take it home we hang out for awhile deciding how to wear our hair and makeup. Grace and I go get manicures and pedicures then lunch. We spend the day hanging out and just acting like sisters not 2 friends. We go back to my place she spends the night with Jack and I go to my room and hang my dress up then falling asleep.


Short chapter but there was a time skip oh well there will be a few of those in this book so pay attention

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