Chapter 39

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I wake up with a pounding headache Taylor and I head downstairs where he gives me medicine and a glass of water. Then he fixes me breakfast since we are home alone.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?"

"I don't believe you have"

"Well I love you a lot you're one of the best things to ever happen to me"

"Why is that?"

"You're my best friend and boyfriend you let me get trashed then you brought me home held my hair while I puked and gave me medicine know you're fixing me breakfast you're amazing"

"Aw babe thanks you're my princess so I'm gonna treat you like a Princess"

"Well thank you my prince"

"So today you get to plan our activities m lady what shall it be?"

"Chill day at home? Cuddling on the couch watching movies"

"Sounds perfect to me"


We finish breakfast and then I head to the living room he makes popcorn while I get movies. Once I've got a movie in we cuddle on the couch under a blanket with a big bowl of popcorn. Sometime during the second movie we fell asleep then woke up to someone knocking at the door. Taylor gets up and gets it. It was Dillon and another boy. They walk in and sit down Dillon says hi to me and the other boy is silent. Taylor rejoins me on the couch.

"So what are you 2 up 2 today?"

"Just lounging around someone got totally trashed last night and woke up with a headache"

"Everyone that was at that party did"

"Well I didn't have to hold everybody else's hair while they puked"

I smack Taylor's arm "You didn't have to thank you very much he has a soft side he just doesn't want y'all to see"

"Oh a soft side really Taylor?"

"Yeah man for my girl that's it"

"Well seeing as you have the prettier girlfriend it must be working"

"Yeah so Sam how are you?"

The conversation is directed towards the new boy who I assume is Sam.

"I'm good been up to nothing really this summer haven't had any real fun"

"Well let's have some fun what do you wanna do?"

"Being I haven't made it to any party's this summer I want to party"

"Well remember that Nick kid he's having party's all week long let's go again tonight"

"Y'all up to that I mean Mikayla you up for it?"

"Hell yeah it's a party I could party all day everyday"

"Good I guess we should go get ready right?"

"Yeah y'all meet us back here in an hour"


Dillon and Sam leave and me and Taylor head to get ready. While I'm picking out an outfit taylor says

"Glad to hear my girlfriend can keep up with me when we party don't wanna leave you in the dust"

"Oh please I'll leave you in the dust you just wait how about a one on one beer pong game tonight?"


I shower and blow dry my hair. I put on white kapris, a bright pink tank top, and gray vans. After straightening my hair I meet Taylor and Dillon downstairs where they are waiting on me and Sam. Finally when he arrives we all get in Taylor's car and head back to Nick's house. When we get there the party is in full swing we get drinks and head out back. There is a table set up for beer pong. We wait awhile then when it's empty we set up cups and fill em up. Sam and Dillon get a crowd gathered by saying "Boyfriend vs. Girlfriend Beer Pong Match"

Taylor goes first and misses but I sink my first one in. *Skip forward to only 1 beer left each* Taylor tries desperately to distract me but fails. I aim shoot and sink it in he grins as he chugs his last cup. I do a little happy dance then say

"So who won?"

"You did"

"Exactly so what do I get for winning?"

"Whatever you want"

"Hmm right now I want a kiss"

He gives me a kiss then we go back to partying. The rest of the night he gets trashed and I drive home. I put sweatpants on him and put him in bed. I take of my make up and put on pajamas. I slip in beside him and he rolls over towards me. I fall asleep soon after.


So this seems like a really shitty chapter but sorry:) Anyways it's really late and I'm tired so like it hate it whatever it doesn't bother me.

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