Chapter 6:Oh No my Brother

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The next morning someone runs in my room and jumps on top of me. I sit up and scream "what was that for?" I hear my brother and Jack laugh "Mom has pancakes if you want some hurry up or we will eat them all". Me and Britney got up and went downstairs we say at the table and are our pancakes when we were finished we went back up to my room. We both put on our bikinis and headed out to the pool. Shortly after Jack and Jack ran out and jumped in splashing us. We all swam and played for awhile them got out and went and changed. Today was Sunday so Britney had to go home soon we decided to watch a movie before she left we all layed in my room and watched "Grown Ups 2" we laughed the entire movie. Soon it was time for Britney to go I gave her a hug and said "See you at school tomorrow" she hugged back and replied "See you then wear something cute" "don't I always" she laughed as she got in her moms car and pulled our of the driveway. I went back inside and called Matt we talked for 3 hours about random stuff I loved how our conversations were never boring. He said he had to go so I told him bye and texted Taylor he wasn't busy so I called him he was like another less annoying brother. I was talking to him when Jack came in my room he asked who was on the phone when I said Taylor I put it on speaker phone so they could talk Mom called us down for dinner so we hung up. We went and ate dinner then went back upstairs I went to my room and realized I forgot to tell Taylor about me and Matt so i texted him (M-Mikayla T-Taylor)

M-Hey I forgot to tell you something!

T-Yeah what's up?

M-So the other night I kinda got a boyfriend

T-Really? Who?

M-Yeah really and don't say nothing but Matt

T-Oh I'm glad y'all were definitely flirting have you told Jack?

M-No I'm kinda scared to he's really protective

T-I know he is but you have to tell him before someone else does

M-Your right I'll tell him tomorrow it's late I'm going to bed

T-Okay good night sweet dreams Mikaykay

M-Sweet dream Tay Tay

(End if Convo)

Author's Note~

I completely wrote this chapter out of my head I didn't plan it so hope you like it:)

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