Chapter 12: Day 2 of Magcon

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This morning were all going out to breakfast we all get ready and get in the elevator. We walk to a little cafe and sit down since it's little we're all spread out. I'm sitting there talking to Brooke and Hannah when I see a girl at the counter who looks familiar I don't pay any attention to it since I saw so many girls yesterday. I tune back into the conversation but a few minutes later the girl runs over and screams "Mikayla I haven't seen you in ages"
I look up and realize who she is I get up and give her a big hug
"Olivia I missed you so much"
"How have you been how's Jack?"
"I've been good same with him were actually here with a bunch of his friends we are doing this thing called Magcon"
"Yeah I know I'm coming today I've been a big fan for awhile now"
"Really maybe you could come backstage with us"
"That would be awesome I can't wait"
"Why don't you come back to the hotel with us!?"
Jack walks over and says hi to Olivia he gives her a hug also. Olivia used to be my best friend who moved about 3 years ago we haven't really talked since then. We all walk back to our hotel rooms Olivia goes with me Brooke, Hannah, Britney, and Morgan to the pool we all lounge around and talk since Olivia didn't have a bathing suit I let her borrow one. We swim for awhile alone until all the boys come down Matt comes over gives me a hug from behind and a kiss on the cheek. Olivia didn't know we were dating so she just stares I laugh
"Olivia this is my boyfriend Matt, Matt this is my best friend from way back Olivia"
"Nice to meet you Olivia" he says as he shakes her hand
"Nice to meet you to"
He walks off and she lets out a whistle
"You are so lucky to be dating him"
"Thanks I know he's amazing"
"Not to mention smoking"
"Yeah he is that"
We join the boys in the pool Matt, Jack, and Taylor come over and dunk me under the water. When I come back up I chase after them when I catch Jack I hop on his back and push him under he comes back up laughing he whispers
"Lil sis you know paybacks a bitch"
"No Jack I'm a bitch don't mess with me do you remember what happened last time"
"Yeah I do and I don't care"
"Suit yourself but be prepared your actions have giant consequences"
I swim up behind Taylor and hop in his back also but I holler piggy back ride and he takes me all around the pool laughing. We stop near Matt and I get off he comes over trying to be all sweet and innocent giving me a kiss.
"Don't even try to suck up I'm still gonna get you"
"Shit I'm soo scared"
"Hahaha you should be just ask my brother and Taylor"
Taylor chimes in
"It's true dude you don't want payback from her"
"How come I get payback and all Taylor had to do was give you a piggyback ride? I'm your boyfriend"
"Exactly that's why I wouldn't want you thinking I'm sweet"
"Well don't worry I don't think that"
After that we go back to the rooms and get ready we all blow dry our hair and me and Hannah and Brooke curl ours while Britney and Olivia straighten theirs. Once were ready we head down to Magcon we meet the boys there. Since Magcon starts in 5 minutes all the girls are being shown in while were making sure everything's ready. When we go out in stage all the girls are acting super sweet we introduce Olivia then get to dancing, singing, and messing around. I decide it's payback time I go get some lotion and give Brooke my phone she videos me running up behind Matt yelling "Smack Cam" and smearing lotion all over his cheek I run behind Taylor and Cameron when he chases me he catches me though. He gives me a big hug smearing lotion on my face also then gives me a kiss and says "aren't you sweet". I roll my eyes as everybody laughs at us. Brooke hands me my phone back and I post the video on vine. I put the caption as "Smack Cam on my adorable boyfriend Love You Babe". After that we bring some girls in stage and they sing and dance with us all the boys are careful though because their girlfriends are standing 3 feet away watching them. Once Magcon is over we all go back to Matt and Carter's room and crash on the beds to watch a movie. We decide on Paranormal Activity 4 since us girls are winos we spend the movie cuddled up against our boyfriends which I don't think they mind. Olivia had to leave after Magcon but she's coming back tomorrow to hang out with us. Eventually we split up and go to separate rooms Me, Britney, Hannah, and Brooke put on The Walking Dead and fall asleep to it.

Authors Note~
This one feels kinda short but there's a lot if talking in it so oh well also if any of you have suggestions on what should happen in this book feel free to comment I take any suggestions with an open mind:) Love Y'all ~Mikayla

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