Chapter 22

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I wake up beside Matt I lean over and kiss him on the lips. He doesn't react so I do it again this time he smiles and kisses back.

"You should wake me up like that more often"

"Don't get used to it"

"Why not?"

"Because that's rarely gonna happen"

"You're such a tease"

"I know that's why you want in my jeans"

"Your damn right I do"

"I was just kidding slow down there woody"

"Ugh babe"


I say as I get up and start to leave the room.

"Atleast kiss me again please"

"Um no get your ass up and come with me"

"Fine but you go first"


"You got a nice ass"

"You hate to see me go but love to watch me leave"


I smack his arm as we enter the kitchen to find my mom, dad and brother eating breakfast. We grab plates and food then sit down. We all talk about what we've been up to I tell my mom that Matts family is moving up here and she says they'll have to come over for dinner. After we eat Jack, Matt, Grace who showed up while we were eating, and I go sit in the living room. We watch my favorite movie "Remember the Titans" Matt didn't now I could get that happy and upset over a movie. We spend the morning watching movies like "The Blind Side" and "We are Marshall" then around 5 we all decided to get ready for the party. I go upstairs and take a shower while Jack gets ready in his room, Grace in the spare bedroom, and Matt in the bathroom downstairs. After my shower I put my hair up in a towel and pick out my outfit I decide on light wash skinny jeans a white tank top under a hot pink crop top and black combat boots. I curl my hair and put on my necklace and bracelet from Matt I throw on a SnapBack just for the sun imagine that it's a Matt Espinosa one. After I'm done I join everyone else in the living room. Matts wearing dark jeans, a button up flannel shirt and vans Grace is looking adorable in a almost matching dark skinny jeans Blue crop top vans and her hair straight. Jack just looks like normal jeans and a t-shirt nothing special. We all head out to the car Matt and I sit in the back with Grace in the passenger seat and Jack driving. When we reach the party at some guy from schools house the rest of the boys are already there. Nash is standing there with some red head girl he introduces her as Adyn she's extremely pretty. I walk over and start talking to her

"Hey I'm Mikayla"

"Hi I'm Adyn"

"Nice to meet you Nash has been talking about you non stop"

"He mentioned you aren't you his like best friend?"

"Well best friend that's a girl but don't worry I'm not gonna steal him I've got a boyfriend"

"It's Matt isn't it?"

"Yeah we've been together for almost 3 months I do believe"

"Awww I hope Nash and I will last"

"Y'all are dating?"

"Yes he didn't tell you?"

"No" "NASH GRIER how dare you not tell me y'all were dating"

"He actually just asked me last night so"

"Oh well that's different"

Adyn and Grace and I get us some drinks and sit around and chat with some different people. After awhile we got up to dance obviously we were kinda drunk by then but not bad. Adyn, Grace, and I started dancing we were laughing and acting crazy when I see Matt out the corner of my eye. This slutty looking drunk girl was all over him dancing he tried to get away from her but then he seen me staring. I was a little pissed then he kept dancing with her trying to make me jealous. Well 2 can play that game I look for a guy and spot Taylor he's completely trashed so he agrees to dance with me. We get out there and "Booty Wurk" comes on I start grinding on Taylor all up on him and watch Matt out of the corner of my eye he's pissed. I laugh as I continue to dance with Taylor just having fun. All of a sudden he lifts my chin up and press's his lips to mine. I don't kiss back I pull away by now Matts right on us. He pushes Taylor away yelling

"What the hell was that man?"

All of the boys run over keeping them separated Taylor is slurring his words no one can understand and Matts fighting to break away from Cameron, Carter, and Aaron. Matt slips underneath of Carter's arm and punches Taylor in the face giving him a nice bruise before the boys escort him out. I follow along with Grace and Adyn the other boys bringing Taylor out. We all drive back to my house I sit beside Grace not looking at the fuming Matt at the window. When we get to the house Carter and Shawn take Matt out back to calm him down while the other boys help Taylor inside I grab him a ice pack and some water. I sit beside him on the couch and give him the stuff he drinks the water and puts the ice pack on his bruise. He lays back and soon falls asleep the boys bring Matt inside and keep him away from Taylor. They ask him about what happened and I leave the room because I don't want to hear what he has to say to me I know what I did was wrong slutty even. I sit in my room and soon Grace and Nash come up they sit beside me and say that Matt is really pissed but he's gonna sleep in the spare bedroom and they're taking Taylor back to the hotel. Nash gives me a hug and leaves Grace asks if I'm ok and I say "No I shouldn't have done that it was stupid and I got my boyfriend pissed at my best friend"

"You were just jealous and a little drunk"

"What if Matt doesn't forgive me"

"Trust me he will he loves you to death now get some sleep"

"Thanks Grace you're the best"

"I know" she gives me a hug and leaves

I lay back on the bed not bothering to change and soon drift off to sleep.


Some Drama hope you like it wonder if they'll make up?????????????????????

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