Chapter 46

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*1 Week Later*
I'm sitting in the doctor's office while the nurse looks for the baby's heart beat. After a second she finds it
"How strange I haven't seen that before"
"What what is it what's wrong?" Taylor jumps up suddenly nervous
"Nothing it's just you two are having.....

*An hour later*
We're supposed to have dinner with Jack and Grace but first we have somewhere to go. We stop at the pound they have a litter of puppies that are ready to be adopted free to a good home.

The puppies are boxers and we instantly pick out one we like. It's a cute little boy who is black and white. We pick him up and instantly know this is the puppy we want for our family. We sign the papers and take him with us to Jack and Grace's. Bambi and Holly instantly take a liking to him and we decide to call him Titan after one of my favorite movies Remember the Titans.

After dinner we pile in the car Taylor driving and me and Titan riding shotgun. When we get home we put his crate right beside the bed with his bed inside of it he walks into it and instantly lays down falling asleep. I take a picture and put it on Instagram "New family member Titan already getting settled in" Taylor and I get into bed him rubbing my stomach and me peacefully drifting off to sleep.

*The Next Morning*
I wake up and Taylor and Titan are missing. I go downstairs to find them curled up on the couch watching tv.
"Good Morning beautiful Titan had to pee so when I took him out we didn't make it back upstairs."

"That's fine how is my little boy?"

"He's great we've been playing and he's almost potty trained"

"That's awesome come see mama Titan"
He rushes over tripping on his foot and sliding half the way. I laugh as I pick him up and he gives me kisses. We all go out back on the porch to eat breakfast then Taylor and Titan are sitting at my feet playing I video them and put it on vine "My boys love playing" We decide to spend the day at home.
"Taylor do you think we should tell Grace and Jack what we are having?"

"No they didn't find out what they were having so we will just say we wanted them to be surprised like when they had Ruby"

"Do you have any ideas on names?"

"Actually that's your department remember all the names you have picked out we'll just pick one of them"

"Oh okay"

We spend the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing but eating, watching tv and sleeping.

So I've already started the sequel to this book but it won't be published until this book is over.

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