Chapter 7 cont'd :)

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When I got to first period I went to my seat in the back beside my other best friend Hannah. She smiles and says Hey then immediately asks me about Magcon. I laugh as I tell her the whole story she fan girls about guys that I'm best friends with. We talk the entire period then it's time for Science we have that class with Britney were all lab partners. We goof off during the experiment and get yelled at. When we head to lunch we sit down at our table and Grace comes and sits with us she's the first girlfriend my brother has had that I actually like. We can have our phones out during lunch so I text Matt he doesn't reply so I text Taylor he does . I tell him that I told Jack and now he wants to talk about it in private Taylor tells me that I'll be fine he doesn't think Jack will be that mad. I sure hope so but I gotta go is the last thing I type before I turn my phone on silent and head back to class. The rest of the day kinda flies by. When it's time to leave Britney doesn't ride with us she left early for a dentist appointment it's just me Jack and Grace. When we get to Graces house she tells Jack and me bye then climbs out. I move up front and Jack says it time we talk he explains that I'm his little sister and he wants to look out for me but he knows Matt and trusts him so he's fine with me and him dating as long as Matt doesn't hurt me. I agree that if Matt were to hurt me all of the boys would hurt him by now were in our driveway I give Jack a hug and say "Thanks for being an awesome big bro I love you" " I love you 2" he says. I get out and go inside I grab some chips and a drink and head up to my room to do my homework. Matt finally texts me back so I tell him what Jack said (M-Mikayla Ma-Matt)

M-I told Jack about us

Ma-What did he say?

M-He said he was fine with it as long as you don't hurt me

Ma-I would never hurt you

M-Your just saying that because if you did all the boys would hurt you

Ma-Well there's that and I would never hurt the girl I Love

M-Did you just say you love me?

Ma-Yes I did

M-Awwww I Love You 2



(End of convo)

That was the first time a boy had said he loved me and actually meant it and I truthfully meant it to. I don't know when it happened but I realized I do I love Matthew Lee Espinosa.

~Matts POV~

I can't believe I just told her how I felt and she said it back. She's the only girl I have ever met that I can completely be myself around. I can't wait till I see her again.

~Mikayla's POV again~

I go downstairs and eat dinner then lay on my bed a and watch tv. I text Matt, Britney,Hannah, and Taylor until I finally fall asleep.

~Authors Note~

What do you guys think so far? ~Mikayla

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