Bullied - #1

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A/N: Hey you guys, welcome to my new fanfic~! Now, please be aware that there is upsetting content in the following fic, such as depression, self-harm, strong language, suicide and abuse, and also this fic ships female X female, so if you have a problem with that then you may want to click off this story. You have been warned.

Luka's PoV

They say over 77% of children get bullied. That may seem like a lot to any normal person, but to someone who is a victim of bullying, it seems like you are alone.

Numbness is all I can feel as I drift from classroom to classroom. By now I've got used to the comments they fire at me and the punches they aim at me - I've ran out of tears to cry.

Even when they aren't around, voices in my head scream and repeat the insults, a loop with no pause button. I'm forced to sit there and deal with it - there's no escape.

You aren't fooling anyone, you idiot.

By now I've tried all the temporary escapes, hence the cut marks on my arm and the pills in my bag. The only permanent escape from this hellhole would be to die... but every rope seems to come undone, every knife seems to be blunt, and each attempt just leads me deeper into this pit.

"Why am I forced to suffer like this?" I yell at my reflection, my voice echoing through the empty restrooms. "What have I ever done?" Tempted to punch the mirror, I take a deep breath in attempt to restrain myself. It doesn't seem to work.

Instead, I rush out of the bathrooms. I run down the corridor, and before I have time to react, I collide into someone. I stumble back on the impact, holding a hand to my forehead and opening my eyes to see who I'd crashed into.

I'm greeted by angered brown eyes staring at me. I blink, looking up to the girl - Meiko, I believe her name is. She snarls at me and her friends gather round her, all staring at me.

"Look who it is! It's the freak of the school." One of them comments, a boy with silver hair who goes by the name of Dell.

"Ewww, she touched you, Meiko! You should go and wash your hands!" A short blonde girl comments, laughing at her own little joke. Her name is Rin, twin sister of the popular jock Kagamine Len.

"You don't want to be infected by the idiocy!" Another girl gasps, a redhead called Miki.

I avert my gaze and stare down at the floor, unable to do anything else. Their voices fade away for a moment, and I'm trapped in a world of my own, before waking up to the cruel reality of the world as someone's fist meets my face.

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you!" The brunette yells as I stumble back. "God, you're so pathetic."

I look up at her again, starting at her with my usual pokerface, desperate to not let any emotion show, when in reality I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Pathetic..." I hear one girl repeat. She shakes her head from side to side, her teal pigtails following her movement. She closes her eyes and sighs before opening them again and raising her voice. "Come on, she's a waste of time. We have better things to do."

"Fair enough." The blonde shrugs her shoulders, and the group turn around and begin to walk away. I am left alone in a desolated corridor, staring after them, comprehending the situation. After hesitation, despite my shaking legs, I turn and swiftly walk in the opposite direction, eventually breaking into a run as I dash out of the school building. At the moment I couldn't care less about serving a detention - I just need to get out of here.

The sky above is grey with grief, and a few stray raindrops are escaping from the clouds, one after another. Each one brings back vivid memories of curling up in my bedroom and crying for hours on end, with nobody to turn to.

The voices in my head start chanting again. Failure! Foolish! Freak! Nerd!

I run out of the school canvas, not looking back as I run further and further away from the hell, formally known as 'school'. The rain gradually gets heavier and heavier, the sky weeping and the wind screaming.

Unneeded! Waste of time! Loner!

I clench my fists as I run, desperate to get far away from all of my anxieties, stress, insecurities and problems. No matter how hard I seem to try, though, it's never enough, and these things come back to haunt me the very next day.

Bitch! Slut! Whore! Ugly!

"SHUT UP!!" I scream, halting to a stop in the middle of the street. My voice bounces off the buildings and through the desolated streets. But no matter how much I yell, they carry on chanting, the voices getting louder with each passing minute and slowly driving me to insanity.

I stand still in the middle of the road, clutching my head in desperation, my eyes screwed shut. The only sound breaking the eerie silence is my heavy breathing - or so I think.

A loud 'beep!' suddenly sounds, followed by a deafening 'screeeeeech!' My body tenses, and I open my eyes and look up to see a car a couple of centimetres away from where I am standing. The driver winds the window down and yells at me, shaking his fist in the air. I hang my head and walk to the pavement, ignoring his livid shouting.

I approach my apartment and burst through the door. I throw my schoolbag onto the ground. Books scatter everywhere, redecorating the floor with pink notebooks and blue folders. I march straight through the middle of it and enter the bathroom, locking the door behind me, even though I'm the only one who lives here.

I reach for a sharp razor and roll up the sleeve of my school uniform, before repeating an action I do too often for my own good. The blade slices my skin and the sight of scarlet blood makes me breathe a sigh. It hurts, but the pain feels good.

I place the razor where it was and walk back into the living room, an expressionless face like nothing had ever happened. I lean down and pick up the folder closest to me.

The words 'ugly' 'slut' 'nerd' 'freak' and 'unwanted' are scrawled across the material in black sharpie. I stare at them for a while before hiding the folder back in my schoolbag and gathering up the rest of the stray equipment, trying to ignore the same voices that have started chanting in my head once again.

A/N: So this has been a draft for a while and I've finally plucked up the courage to make it public. This story will be a bit depressing, but whatever - welcome to Vocaloid x'D - anyway, I hope you've enjoyed and I shall see you all in the next chapter!

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