Pushed to the Limit - #5

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A/N: The following contains sensitive topics such as depression, self-harm and suicide, and also this fic ships female X female and contains strong language, suicide and abuse, so if you have a problem with that then you may want to click off this story. You have been warned.

Luka's PoV

I walk in silence to school the next day, my only company the raindrops falling from above. Looking up, I'm greeted to a thick grey blanket of clouds, hiding away the happy blue sky, cancelling out the rays of the sun.

Pluviophile. That's what I am - a lover of rain. I feel strangely at ease when clouds gather above and rain falls down, almost like I'm not crying alone anymore.

I've always loved the rain. When I was younger I'd sit by the window for ages, fascinated by the raindrops travelling down the glass pane. I would always sneak outside and stand in the rain. My parents thought it was crazy - I guess I am.

I continue walking through the cold October morning, listening to the rain hammer down. Occasionally I see some teenagers sprinting across roads and up the street, desperate to get into the dry as I keep my steady pace.

The walk from my apartment to school only takes about fifteen minutes, so pretty soon I find myself standing just outside of the school gates. I sigh, clenching my fists - it honestly takes me a lot of willpower just to enter the school premises. Everyday the same cycle repeats - the second I set foot into the school I have Rin and Dell and Meiko refusing to leave me be.

My mind wanders back to the situation yesterday, with Miku. Her words "I'm not like them" echo through my mind, and I shake my head vigorously in attempt to make them stop. I hate her, she's one of the people that have put me in this situation. But deep down, I doubt myself.

"Don't get your hopes up." I mutter angrily to myself as I walk into the school premises. "She's like the others. It's obvious she's just trying to get information out of you to then spread even more rumours."

I walk up the concrete path and push open the doors, before beginning to make my way through the sea of teenagers. Everyone's gathered by the lockers, laughing, chatting and shouting. I feel myself getting pushed and shoved, and hear a few muffled comments being made about me, but I take a deep breath and continue my way to homeroom.

The piercing noise of the bell ringing sounds just as I make my way over to my desk. As I pull out the chair, I realise with a start that there is what looks to be a present or something on my chair, wrapped in glittery pink paper. Confused, I pick up the item and read the label.

"Luka, from Miku." Is all it reads. I quickly glance around the leaden classroom to see the place pretty much isolated, besides the odd students coming in. I turn back and begin to unwrap the paper. Inside is a small box. Carefully, I open the box to see the iPod. The screen is fixed; there's no trace of any damage. A smile spreads across my lips as I take the device and put it in my pocket.

Seconds after, I catch sight of a certain teal-haired girl enter the classroom. Her electric blue eyes meet mine, and she smiles and nods. I find myself smiling back gratefully, and her smile widens before she turns away and sits with her friends, just as the teacher walks in.


"You repaired it?" A voice behind me states as I pull out my iPod at break. I stop in my tracks and look behind me to see Rin walking down the corridor. She stops in front of me, a hand on her hip as she stares at the device. "But... how-?"

I turn away from her. "You haven't won yet, Rin." I tell her as I begin to walk away. Rin hesitates, clearly taken aback, before she furiously runs after me.

"Hey! I'm not done with you yet!" She protests, standing in my way. "In fact, why don't you just give up? You're such a weakass, may as well run to mommy!" She laughs, and I freeze as it dawns on me what she's hinting. "You may as well, you won't be missed."

"Shut the hell up." I say through gritted teeth. Rin smiles at me.

"Nope." She says simply, before pushing me away from her. I stumble backwards, managing to regain my balance. "Disappear." She says, as if it were a magic spell.

I've reached my limit.

"You know what? Gladly." I spit, holding back tears as I storm past her. I get a glimpse of her shocked expression as I march past, before it dissolves into a triumphant one.

"I win." She whispers to herself as I turn the corridor and rush up several flights of stairs, up to the school rooftop.

The rain has gotten heavier by now. I feel the raindrops hammering against my skin, one after another. I walk over to the edge of the rooftop and peer down at the long drop.

A deafening rumble of thunder, followed by a strike of lightening, illuminating the dark skies. Tears start to pour from my eyes, rolling down my cheeks before falling to the ground way below.

I take a deep breath, but every breath just seems to make me more and more hysterical. Once again peering down at the ground below me, I hear voices in my head, chanting... chanting...


"DIE." I scream, finishing off the sentence. My voice echoes, but still nobody can hear my desperation. Another rumble of thunder followed by lightning. The rain continues to fall heavily. There's nobody else around.

"I hope you're happy."

We shall end this part here. P-Please don't kill me for that cliffhanger-! Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter. (I'll probably publish the next part later because I feel bad lmao cya)

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