Ohayō - #18

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A/N: The following contains sensitive topics such as depression, self-harm and suicide, and also this fic ships female X female and contains strong language, suicide and abuse, so if you have a problem with that then you may want to click off this story. You have been warned.

Luka's PoV

My head was in a whirl that night. Questions with no answers simultaneously haunt me, preventing me from relaxing, and I am left in an endless staring contest with the wall.

I think I might be winning.

Because Miku's sleeping in my room, I'm curled up on the sofa, wrapped up in pastel coloured blankets. Glancing at the clock, I realise it's already three in the morning.

A sigh escapes my lips yet again, exhaustion crashing over me like a huge wave in the sea. I manage to push the complicated thoughts to the back of my mind, and my eyelids slowly drift closed as I fall into a light sleep.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The daunting sound of the ticking clock breaks into my unconsciousness. Time is still ticking, I think to myself. I can't escape that.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Seconds continue to tick by, turning into minutes, into hours. Before I knew it, I felt my body being shaken gently.

Slowly, I open my eyes. I'm greeted to blue orbs staring back at me. "Good morning." Miku whispers with a faint smile on her lips.

"Good morning. Did you sleep alright?" I ask her, kicking off the blankets and sitting up. Miku nods her head wordlessly in response. "That's good."

A short silence falls upon the room, broken only by the sweet singing of birds outside. Their chirping sounds cheerful, a change from the monochromatic October atmosphere.

Miku tilts her head to one side before sitting besides me. "I feel bad about making you sleep on the sofa..." She admits, combing her fingers through her knotty hair.

I shrug my shoulders and give her a half smile. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine with it." I assure her.

Miku averts her gaze and fidgets with her hands. "But... This is your apartment, you should be sleeping in your own bed, not the sofa." She argues.

"Miku, don't worry about-" My sentence is cut off by a sudden, loud growling sound. Miku's cheeks turn red in embarrassment and she avoids eye contact, instead staring down at the ground.

"I'll make some breakfast." I decide, standing up and beginning to walk over to the kitchen.

"But I'm not-" Miku begins.

"What do you want?" I call, cutting her off mid-sentence. Miku sighs and follows me into the room.

"I'll just have some toast, if that's okay.." She mumbles. I nod my head, smiling, before taking a couple of slices of bread and tossing them swiftly into the toaster.

Miku leans against the door, watching. "I-I wanted to ask you something, actually..." She mutters in a small voice, looking at me through wide, mesmerising blue eyes.

"Hm? What is it?" I ask, tucking a strand of pink hair behind my ear and looking at her curiously.

Miku take a deep breath before speaking. "What are we going to do now?" She asks me. "All this has happened, but... where do we go now?"

Miku's question makes me pause for a moment. What do we do now?

"I..." I bite my lip before responding. "That isn't for me to decide Miku. Tell me this... what do you think we should do? What do you want us to do?" I ask her.

Miku looks taken aback at first by the sudden question, before a thoughtful expression crosses her face. The toast pops up from the toaster, and I quickly butter it whilst Miku is lost in thought.

"I... I don't know." Miku stammers at last. "I want to hide, but I can't hide forever, can I?" Miku's pained expression stabs me right in the heart, and I swallow hard before shaking my head. "I see..."

"We'll figure it out, don't stress about it." I tell her, handing her the plate. Miku nods and smiles in thanks, before she thoughtfully nibbles the toast.

Immediately, I feel a little weight leave my shoulders. "I'm glad you're starting to feel a little better." I tell her with a relieved smile.

Miku smiles back at me. "So am I~" she chirps, a little more of her old colour added to her dull attitude. "So, what are we going to do today?"

"Not sure..." I mutter to myself. "I could really use going to the store in a minute to get some more groceries..."

"I'll come. I don't want to be alone..." Miku shivers, placing her empty plate in the washing up bowl.

"Alright. Give me five minutes." I tell her, rushing into my bedroom to get changed. I drag a brush through my messy pink hair and quickly change my clothes. Just as I am about to leave the room..

"Oh cra-!"

I hear Miku's troubled sounding voice, followed by a terrible shattering sound.

I flinch at the noise. "Oh god, what has she done...?" I mutter to myself before rushing back into the kitchen. "Miku, what are you doing-?"

Miku is crouched on the floor over a broken plate. She looks up at me, her expression turning instantly to guilt. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll clean it up!" Miku stands up and dashes over to the other side of the kitchen.

I shake my head as she reaches for the dust pan and brush. "I really can't leave you alone for more than two seconds, can I?" I roll my eyes, laughing under my breath.

"What's that supposed to mean..?!" Miku asks, standing up and sharply turning to face me. Her elbow brushes against a glass sitting inanimately on the kitchen counter, and it topples off the surface.

"Miku--!" I yell, diving to grab the glass before it could hit the ground. Miku jumps back, startled.

"Oops! I didn't mean to!" She panics, beginning to furiously sweep up the shattered tableware off the floor.

I stand up and carefully put the glass back in the cabinet, before turning to Miku and watching her frolic around. "Klutz..." I mumble, chuckling.

Miku looks at me guiltily. "I wanted to try and help you out by washing up the dishes..." She sighs. I smile, her innocent actions seeming rather cute to me, like a child.

"I appreciate the thought," I smile at her. "For now, though, I think it's best if I do the dishes, however. Alright?"

Miku slowly nods her head, giggling to herself. "Alright."

A/N: New update~ \ (^o^) / I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter of Miku and Luka being precious beans! :D
As always, see you guys in the next chapter! X3

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