Calculated Schemes - #52

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Miku's PoV

"Have you noticed anything different about Yukari's behaviour?" I ask Luka curiously as we make our way side-by-side down the seemingly endless corridor.

It's Friday. All week long, Yukari's been acting slightly strange. I'm pretty damn certain I know exactly why, though I'm wondering wether Luka has picked up on it too.

Yukari likes IA, and more than just a friend. It's laughably obvious, despite her best efforts to hide it. Personally, I think it's really sweet, and I definitely reckon they'd make a cute couple. She seems pretty nervous about it, however, which is, admittedly, completely understandable. I haven't heard anything about IA being homosexual. Likewise, though, I haven't heard she's full-on straight, either, so the reality could go either way.

The usually bustling corridors are surprisingly empty this morning. Sunlight filters through the windows, illuminating the room. For mid-winter, it's a really lovely day — when you're indoors and warm, that is, and preferably wrapped in a blanket with a hot chocolate in hand!

Luka parts her lips slightly and tilts her head to one side. "She's been acting different lately, that's a fact. Not necessarily a bad different though." She glances at me and raises an eyebrow, knowingly. "You're suspecting it's to do with IA, aren't you?"

"How did you know?" I ask, grinning. "It just makes sense, don't you think? There've been so many signs. They'd make such a cute couple!" By this point, I'm almost squealing.

Luka narrows her eyes. "Keep your voice down!" She hisses, before her gaze softens again. "I suppose I can see that, though."

"I have an idea."

"Hm?" Luka looks at me suspiciously. I peer back at her with an innocent smile, before shrugging my shoulders and speeding up my walking pace. "Hold on!"

The thought occurred to me suddenly, and the sentence just sorta slipped out. I know I've intrigued the pinkette. She'll be asking me to spill the beans, there's no doubt about that — but I'll keep it quiet for now, at least until I have further conformation.

I keep walking swiftly ahead of her, until I see a certain lilac-haired girl standing by a row of lockers, watching something or someone intently. I pause for a moment, allowing Luka to catch up with me.

"What were you talking about? What's this idea?" She inquires, demandingly. Wordlessly, I draw a finger to my lips, before nodding towards Yukari. Luka follows my gaze, remaining silent.

I peer over her shoulder to see IA standing by her locker. She is thoughtfully arranging books and minding her own business, all the while humming a soft tune.

Though Yukari's turned away from me, I bet there's illusionary love hearts dancing in her lilac orbs.

"She's watching IA." Luka observes, her voice nothing more than a mutter.

I snake my arm around Luka's and squeeze it gently. "She's in loooove~" I comment in a sing-song voice, smiling.

Yukari reminds me of myself, only a matter of weeks ago; watching someone you love from afar, wishing they felt the same way about you. I acted the same, glancing over at Luka when she was oblivious — but in the end, she felt the same.

My train of thought is cut short by a sudden crash. The deafening sound makes me flinch — as for Yukari, she jumps a mile. With a start, I realise the origin of the sound was right beside her; it was none other than Kagamine Len, who'd slammed his hand against the locker beside her and was looking at her with a grin.

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