Coastal Love - #54

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Luka's PoV

From our town of residence, it takes about thirty-five minutes to reach the nearest coast by train. IA, Yukari, Miku and I are all sitting at one booth, with me and Miku on one side, and the two budding lovebirds on the other.

I must admit, Yukari and IA are adorable together, and honestly, they're amusing to watch — almost like a comedy act. They're dorky lovebirds, placing their hand on one another's, resting their head on the others shoulder, playfighting in the back seats, all the while looking at each other with obvious affection in their mesmerised eyes.

I'd like to think that people think the same about me and Miku; realistically, however, I know that most people look down upon us disapprovingly. Perhaps the people sat in the surrounding booths think differently, aren't so homophobic? They could teach the cold hearted pricks back at school a lesson.

At the end of the day, I don't really care what people think anymore. They can laugh, they can jeer, they can point, they can think we are the most adorable couple in the world, or that we are going to hell for our unforgivable sins — all the same, I love the girl sitting next to me, and nobody's biased opinions are going to change my mind.

Luckily, nobody is paying attention to us. We blend in like normal people living a normal everyday life, which is more than I can say about school. Laughably, I'd forgotten how it feels to be normal. It's nice to be able to say and do whatever I want, to act myself in a public place without the constant worries that people are going to judge me for it.

Opposite us, Yukari and IA are caught up in conversation, paying little to no attention to me and Miku, who is silently staring out of the window. "Miku?"

After a moment, she turns away from the window, and her gaze meets mine. "What is it?" She responds softly, flashing me a small smile and leaning back in her seat.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted your train of thought." She looked pretty thoughtful staring out of the train window, so I feel obligated to apologise for the intrusion. Though Miku response with no words, and instead, a gentle shake of her head. "What's up?"

Miku sighs and nestles into me. "I'm sorry.. I think the train going backwards is giving me motion sickness. I don't feel great."

Miku and I are sat on the backward-facing seats, for Yukari had spoken of suffering travel sickness prior to the train setting off. Miku, however, had remained quiet. "But we asked you if you were prone to it before getting on the train," I state, lowering my voice. "Why didn't you say anything then?"

"I thought I'd be okay!" Miku reasons, her expression one of defeat.

With a shallow sigh, I snake my arm around Miku's shoulders. "What am I going to go with you?" I mutter jokily. "If you think you'll feel better sitting on the forward-facing seat with Yukari, you could swap places with IA. I'm sure she won't mind."

Miku scooches closer and rests her head on my shoulder. "Maybe IA won't mind," she mumbles, "but I will, because I want to be with you."

That adorable statement undoubtedly caused my heart to flutter. "You're so cute." I whisper, unable to keep a smile. "If you're sure, though. We won't be travelling much longer, anyway."


The breeze is cold and biting despite the sun shining brightly, the winter temperature remaining dominant. In the distance, the crashing waves of the glistening sea is like music to my ears; it's been years since I last visited the beach.

Yukari gasps in awe at the sight of a towering roller coaster in the near distance. "Look, look at that!" She points gleefully towards the ride, before beginning to tug mercilessly at her girlfriend's sleeve. "Let's go the amusement park! Please?" She begs.

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