Truth Be Told - #28

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Miku's PoV

I don't even have to turn my head to recognise the bitter voice of the girl who'd appeared next to me. My body tenses and I let out a short, shaky breath.

I can feel Rin's icy stare burn into me as she waits for me or Luka to start speaking, and the silence that'd fallen upon the cafeteria was giving off unsettling, bad vibes.

Rin scoffs impatiently. "I thought one of you would have something to say. But apparently not, so thank you for making my job easier." She pulls out a seat and sits down, her friends circling around her, minions that will happily obey her every command.

"What the fuck do you want?" Luka asks in a shallow voice, a shadow cast over her forehead as she peers through the pink strands of hair that fall over her face and eyes the blonde queen-bee.

"How threatening," one of the girls in Rin's so-called army remark. Rin glares at her, causing the girl to quickly shut up.

"Why don't you repeat what you just said, Miku-chan?" Rin asks in a sweet tone of voice as she turns back to look at me. I shiver before looking up and meeting her gaze. "Wh-what do you want to hear?" I stutter.

I hear the girls mumbling among themselves, "how adorable, she's frightened". Rin giggles at my behaviour, before eyeing me with the same puppy dog eyes as before. There was a sour glint in her eye as she spoke.

"Like I kindly asked, I just want you to repeat what you said to Luka just a moment ago. About her being the best friend you've ever had." She rested her chin in her hand and looked at me through narrowed eyes, smirking.

I look at her nervously. "Is there any need for me to say it now that you've just said it?" I ask. Rin nods her head expectantly.

"Yeah, of course there is. You have an audience and you are the star. We want to hear it from the star herself." Rin smiles sweetly once again, and the 'audience' errupts into giggles.

"..." I take a deep breath and look Rin in the eye, trying to keep a serious expression. "I just told Luka that she is the best friend I've ever had. And that's true. I'm not ashamed to say that."

Rin bursts into laughter. "It's like you're reading off a script!" She snorts. "The words 'Luka' and 'best' do not fit together in any formation!"

"Except for 'Luka is the best at being a worthless little shithead'." Meiko smirks. "Or even 'Luka is the best at being so worthless, even her own parents have the desire to kill themselves because she's just such a pathetic waste of space!'"

"She's the best at being the lowest out there. Getting breast implants hoping someone would like her for Gods sake!" Fukase adds.

I angrily clench my fists so tightly I can feel my nails cutting into the palm of my hand. I hear the screeching of the chair as Luka stands up, grabs her bag, and begins to walk away, without saying a single word.

I watch her as she begins to make her way over to the exit, head down in defeat, before turning back to Rin, who is still howling with laughter. "How fucking dare you." I hiss. "How FUCKING dare you." I grab my bag and stand up, not breaking eye contact with the blonde bastard. "Say whatever you want to say about me. Tell everyone whatever you want them to think of me. I don't care anymore!" I yell. "But whatever you do, don't hurt Luka again. She is an amazing friend to me, she's a REAL friend. Unlike all you fake assholes!" I take a step back. "I... I LOVE her. So don't you fucking dare do anything to hurt her!"

I turn around to see Luka standing by the door, watching; listening. She stares at me for a moment with an unreadable expression, before blinking hard and running out of the room.

My heart is racing and my breathing is fast, my fists still tightly clenched.

"You motherfucking freak."

One by one, the audience withdraws, each one of them giving me a look of hatred, disgust, or betrayal. Rin is the last to stand up and leave.

As she passes by, she stops at my side and whispers, "I will make your life a living hell." I glance at her. She glares back, before drawing her fist back and then punching me in the face. I stumble backwards, stunned. She makes a triumphant 'hmph' before turning on her heel, and walking away.

Witnesses from other year groups begin to leave the room, none of them speaking a word to me - no "are you okay?", no "what just happened?", no "do you need some help?"; even some staff that had watched the event remained quiet. Instead, I'm left to watch people's backs as they walk away from me, leaving me alone.

The strong anger I had felt previously has deflated like a balloon. I take a shaky breath and make my way into the lobby, wondering where Luka had run off to.

I wander through the monochromatic hallways, finding no clues. I check the bathrooms, but she isn't in there. I peer into classrooms, but the pinkette is nowhere in sight.

Cold shivers are sent down my spine as I ponder the possibilities. I collapse against a wall and close my eyes, trying to figure out where she could be. The ticking of a clock in a nearby room pressuring me and clogging my thoughts.

"The rooftop..?" I whisper to myself, images of the stormy day a few weeks back when I had found Luka about to take her own life after Rin had bullied her, brainwashed her into making her think she was unwanted, unneeded, a waste of space...

Hearing these words aimed at her is like a knife through my heart. I take a deep breath, before rushing up the everlasting flight of stairs up to the rooftop.

It's raining.

A strong wave of deja vu envelops me, reminders of that painful, yet magical day returning to me. Dark clouds are once again covering the skies, and the rain is heavy, making a constant pitter patter sound as it hits the rooftop.

I patrol along the rooftop, looking left and right.

And then I see her.

A/N: Oof I'm sorry this took so long to come out, I know some people weren't too impressed with the cliffhanger from last chapter.
*cough* and probably also aren't too impressed with this cliffhanger either *cough*
Well, I hope the suspension isn't killing you too much! ^^;
I'll see you guys soon~ (I mean it this time!! xD)

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