Life Will Change - #63

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A/N: Before we get into the chapter, I'd just like to address all that's going on right now. I am appalled by the long-term behaviour of police forces being racist and abusing their power, and the recent news of George Floyd's death devastated me. Black lives matter, and I wholeheartedly support the ongoing movement. If you haven't already, please donate to charity organisations to help families affected by racism day in and day out, or if you can't donate, spread awareness and sign petitions. Keep protests peaceful, and most importantly, don't give up.
You can make a change.

Luka's PoV

"So," Len pipes up, walking eagerly beside me. The wind ruffles through his messy hair, and he peers at me through a curtain of blond. "Do you have any hobbies? What sort of movies do you like to watch? Oh, oh — do you have any pets? Are you a cat person or a dog person?" Questions and inquires filter out of his mouth like a waterfall, leaving me no time to answer.

"Slow down," I chuckle, leaning my head back slightly and enjoying the cool winter breeze. The blond next to me falls silent obediently, keenly waiting for a response to one of the many questions asked. "Let's see... well, I don't really have many hobbies. I draw sometimes, and I read sometimes, but that's about it. The majority of my spare times is taken up by studying, or..." I exhale a shallow breath, finishing off the sentence in my head.

Len nods slowly, though doesn't respond, prompting me to go on. "I don't care much about movie genres, I don't really have a favourite. And nope... no pets." I avert my gaze to the ground and bite down on my lip hard. "I'm scared of cats and dogs, so I have no preference there, either."

The concrete below my feet is icy; I've already almost slipped at least twice, and neither time was very indiscrete. The frost glints as the clouds break occasionally, bathing in the weak sunlight momentarily and illuminating the walkway up ahead, before dying down once more.

"I'm sorry." My voice breaks the tranquility, and I mentally curse myself for speaking up. But, on the other hand, I can't stay quiet. "I'm pretty boring, I know..." Small talk isn't my thing. It's never been my thing. And being thrown into conversation like this, it makes me realise just how boring of a person I am.

It's not a very pleasant feeling.

Len pauses, tilting his head thoughtfully to the side and narrowing his cerulean orbs ever so slightly. "I don't think you're boring," he utters, voice almost inaudible over the howling wind.

I shake my head with a deep sigh. "Why are you even talking to me?" I ask, unable to keep the question at bay any longer, though my tone of voice came out much harsher than I anticipated. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that... it's just, nobody really makes an effort with me, and growing up that way, I've gotten pretty accustomed to the treatment." I look up to meet his gaze. "You have a lot of friends, most of them considered 'cool' or 'popular'. Why are you spending time with me, when your friends all hate me? I don't want them to turn on you, too... it's my fault all this happened to Miku."

"Nonsense," Len responds through gritted teeth. "It's not your fault at all, and why would it be? Miku reached out to you because she saw the great person everyone else is too blind to see. If anyone's to blame, it's Rin, Meiko, that lot." His gaze slides away. "I talked to Miku a week or so ago during science class. I asked her about the rumours — I never believed them myself, by the way — and she was appalled by the question. Said you're not what they make you put to be; far from, even." He smiles a slight smile and turns back to face me, his expression kind. "I want to get to know the real Luka, and I don't care what anyone else thinks. I'm not like them. And, ultimately, I hope I can help them to see through the facade. Turn over a new leaf."

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