Admiration - #31

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A/N: so before I get into this I just want to say a few words.
I'm really sorry that the last chapter was so dark and crap, but I felt it was kind of important to the development of the plot.
As I tried to show, it just proves Miku really cares, and hopefully gives you the impression that whatever stupid things Luka may do, she isn't afraid to inflict on herself as well.
With that aside though... I hope you enjoy this slightly more light-hearted chapter.

Miku's PoV

The next day, things between Luka and I seem to have gone back to normal. She seems happier than she was yesterday, which is a relief; I can't, however, deny the concerned tone of voice she talks to me in, complete with a tint of guilt.

There's a part of me that really regrets my stupid actions last night. First of all, these cuts sting like absolute hell. And second of all, I hate how hurt Luka is at the moment. I caused her this pain and I can't really do much to take that back...

But I know why I did it. And that's the part I don't regret. I at least hope she got the point of those actions...

"What are you thinking about?" Luka asks, breaking me out of my trance. She thoughtfully takes a spoonful of cereal and eats it silently, concerned blue eyes staring right at me, expecting an answer.

I blink and smile a small smile. "Ah, nothing. Nothing at all." I stare down at the cereal in front of me and push it away. "I'm not that hungry, though."

Luka sighs at my actions and shakes her head from side to side gently. "Miku.. why aren't you eating properly? Do you have an insanely small appetite?" She asks me, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Oh!" I squeak, unsure of how to really respond. "I just... well, like I said, I'm just not awfully hungry, so maybe you could say that..."

Luka still looks suspicious, but she shrugs her shoulders and pretends to go along with my statement. "If you say so." She responds, finishing her own bowl of cereal.

"I do say so." I mutter.


Science is probably one of my favourite subjects by now.

Not because of the confusing biology, boring physics equations and bizarre chemistry experiments... just because it's one of the only lessons Luka and I have together, one of the only lessons we can sit together and enjoy being in each other's presence.

"I don't understaaaaand!" I whimper, looking up at the clock to see how long it is until break. Luka chuckles under her breath at my behaviour. I pout and lean further back in my chair, still complaining. "And this bandage is really uncomfortable as well! Can I please take it off?" I ask Luka, waving around my left arm and looking at the messily wrapped bandage.

"Not yet, Miku. Give it a chance to heal before you go showing it off to the school." She tells me, gently grabbing my hand and lowering it onto the table. I huff, knowing she has an extremely good point.

"That doesn't help me understand how to do this crap though..." I mutter, dropping my pen on the table sulkily.

Luka narrows her eyes at me, about to respond, but is cut off by a long grooowl. "Eep!" I blush as my stomach casually - and noisily - ruins my coverup, leaving me defenceless.

Luka smirks. "I thought you weren't hungry~?" She teases me, obviously finding this amusing.

"M-Mou!" I complain, unable to keep my voice from stuttering. "I'm not hungry!" I whine, even though I knew denying it was totally pointless.

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