Tranquil Storms -#51

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Luka's PoV

They say that the weather affects your mood. Stereotypically, warm, sunny weather makes people feel upbeat and happier, whereas darker, colder weather causes them to feel unmotivated and depressive.

For me, however, it's the opposite.

I can't stand the heat. Nothing about being too hot and sweaty makes me feel good in the slightest bit. There's only so much you can do to cool yourself down, and most methods aren't even that effective. Plus, the world seems too bright for my liking, too colourful. Is that a negative mindset?

Duller weather complete with overcast skies and heavy rain is much more my forte. It isn't too bright, it isn't too hot. If you're cold, wrap yourself up in a blanket or two with a steaming mug of hot chocolate — easy fix.

This weather gives me similar vibes to what sunny weather may give to others. I feel calm, collected and relaxed. I feel motivated, inspired, willing to take on the challenges fired at me daily. I'm at my peak; life is okay, living is doable.

That's how the weather is now. Every now and then I look up from my chemistry homework, admiring the anaemic clouds. They're interesting things, aren't they? Who would have guessed condensation could take such a stunning, mystical form?

Rain has yet again made an appearance, descending from those clouds above and drumming mercilessly on the glass window. The sound serves as music to my ears, white noise that improves my concentration.

Though the clouds are thick, the occasional rays of light from the setting sun break through, giving the room a warm glow. The ceiling light is switched on, chasing the darkness away, as well as the heating, still warming up the otherwise chilly room.

Miku's in the bedroom, most likely curled up on the mattress with blankets and pillows as she reads some manga Yukari had recommended to her earlier. She's been pretty silent for the past half an hour or so, so I can only assume it's amusing enough.

I look back down. My eyes unconsciously drift over to the magenta folder placed in front of me. A few weeks back, Miku demanded that I should get a new folder, seeing as it had insults scrawled over it in black sharpie, insults that still circulate around my mind often. But I refused, so she took matters into her own hands. Crossing out all the insults, decorating it with cute stickers, drawing hearts and writing kind words in any unused spaces.

I smile warmly to myself, forever grateful for her thoughtfulness. Picking up the pen and tapping it gently against the wooden surface, I exhale sharply and force myself to keep working. There aren't many questions left to go, anyway.

Just as my pen comes into contact with the paper, the room goes dark. The lights cut out, the heating turns off, any other appliances in the apartment lose power. The room is engulfed by darkness, the only source of light being the struggling glow of the setting sun through the broad clouds.

"Luka!" A panicked shriek, followed by a monstrous crash. Alarmed, I rush over to the bedroom and burst through the door. Though my eyes haven't yet adjusted to the sudden decrease in light, I can make out Miku's figure, sitting awkwardly on the floor and rubbing her forehead.

"Miku?" Small rectangular objects surround her, and with a start I realise she's knocked a heap of books off the nearby shelf. I kneel down before her, concerned. "Are you alright?"

She opens her eyes and looks at me, orbs filled with both guilt and foolishness. She nods her head slightly before speaking hurriedly. "Everything went really dark so suddenly and I got scared and I ran and banged into the shelf and the books went everywhere and I'm—"

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