Clinging On - #42

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Miku's PoV

Safety. I can finally feel a sense of safety. For how long will it last? I don't know - hopefully a while, for I missed this feeling. The feeling of being able to sit and relax without your mind racing, producing scenario after scenario, possibility after possibility, no matter how ridiculous or fictional they seem.

A huge weight has been taken off my shoulders, a weight I've struggled with for weeks. This paranoia I've been struggling to accept is fading away. I feel calm.

Yes, school is still a living hell, full to the brim of demons wanting nothing more than to see me suffer. To laugh at my suffering. But at least I can spend time at home without feeling on edge constantly. Without glancing at the window every few minutes in fear that he might find me. In fear that he might try to hurt me again.

Did I use the word 'home' just now? This is Luka's apartment. This is Luka's home. But it feels like home to me. It's become my home over the past few weeks. I hope she doesn't mind me saying this stuff - it's just how I feel. I have a home. And I have a friend.

I peer into a small, lone puddle before me. The girl glancing back at me seems different to the girl I'm used to seeing. Though her cheeks are stained with tears, though the ripples in the water are distorting, there's an abnormal look of confidence to her. Like she can take on the world.

And my mind begins to race. How long will it last? How long will you stand until you fall again? When will this confidence deplete? When will you lose hope again? The more I listen to these thoughts, the more it chips away at this confidence...

So I'll ignore them. I'll embrace this feeling. This moment. If it lasts a while, that's great. If it fades away in the next few minutes, at least I had it. At least I know it's still possible. At least I know I'm working towards something.

An airy chuckle escapes my lips, and I turn against the biting wind towards the apartment - no, home. My pace fastens until I'm jogging, until I'm running. Hell, I never run. But I'm sprinting.

By the time I reach the front door, sweat is running down my reddened forehead and my lungs are burning. But I'm smiling. The door is unlocked - Luka's home before me. I push open the door and set foot into the apartment. Gasping for air. Yet still smiling.

In an instant, Luka turns around to face me, and without hesitation, she picks herself off the sofa and calls my name. "Miku!"

At the sound of her voice, I dart over towards her, and throw my arms around her slender body, clinging tightly, refusing to let go. Luka returns the embrace tightly. And then she asks questions. Questions I knew wouldn't be avoided. Questions including "where were you?" and "what happened?"

I can't help a smile spreading once again across my lips. I pull away and rest my hands on her shoulders, looking her straight in the eyes. Her glassy orbs portray relief, though also undeniable concern. "He's gone." My voice pierces the brief silence. "He's gone. And he won't bother us anymore."

Luka's eyes widen at my words, despite their vagueness. "You mean... your dad? He's...?" Her voice fades out before she can finish voicing her inquiries.

I nod my head slowly. "He's facing a good few years behind bars at the very least. Mikuo collected me from school to face a court case... it was scary. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner."

Luka manages a smile. "It's understandable. I'm just glad you're okay. If you don't mind me asking.. how was the case? If you don't want to talk about it, that's perfectly understandable, I was just-"

I giggle, cutting her off. "It's cute when you get like that. The court case was scary, as I said. The room alone was so inclosed and intimidating - the hall was pretty large, yet still seemed so claustrophobic in a way. I'm just glad it's over. And I'm glad he's gone."

Luka nods once in acknowledgement and opens her mouth to speak, only for the shrill sound of my text tone to play from my pocket. I grab my phone and glance at the lock screen - a singular notification displays, a message from Yukari.

Luka peers over my shoulder, and after hesitating, she clears her throat. "Um, yeah. She wants to know where you went and if you're okay..."

I shrug my shoulders and stuff it back in my pocket. "I'll message her in a bit. Be sure to remind me!" In attempt to ease the building tension I let out a laugh, though Luka doesn't return it. I suppose poor jokes don't fix all the worlds problems.


"Are you okay?"

Luka nods her head simply and smiles. I smile back, though unconvinced.

I'll talk to her about it soon...

Authors note: slightly shorter chapter eheh, but I hope it's okay!
I wanted to write something for a certain beans birthday... you know who you are ;) happy birthday!! <3
Hoping you all enjoyed this chapter. It's not too eventful sure, the next few should hopefully be more eventful! That's a promise!
As per, see you all in the next chapter !! ♪

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