Double Date - #53

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Miku's PoV

The next day, I find myself scavenging through my clothes and applying light makeup to my face in preparation for the day ahead of me.

Yukari took my suggestion into account and, to my surprise, asked IA out that same day. IA, though surprised at first, agreed with a smile, and I couldn't be happier for my lilac-haired best friend.

We are all meeting up at midday to get some lunch together at a newly-opened sushi restaurant down town. The idea was mine; though she keeps quiet about it, I know how much Luka loves sushi! The other girls agreed too, so it's a perfect fit for us all.

Having never been on a double-date before, I'm really excited. The previous tension from before between Luka, Yukari and I has completely vanished for the better, and IA is a great addition to our little friend group — she's funny, very smart and level-headed.

"Do I look alright?" I wonder to myself, peering into the mirror shyly. My hair is down instead of tied in the usual twin tails, teal locks falling over my shoulders. I'm wearing a fluffy white jumper, dotted with teal stars, and my makeup is natural, concealer covering my under-eye circles.

By now, applying makeup seems like such an abnormal activity. I used to cake my face everyday before school, and touch it up at least twice during the day in the school bathrooms with Rin, Meiko and the others. But since we parted ways, I've not been so worried about my appearance, which is probably for the better.

However, today is special. I want to look my best for my friends, and for Luka especially.

I tap my phone screen, causing it to illuminate and display my lock screen, a cute selfie I took with Luka. 11:30, half an hour until our meeting time.

"Ah, I hope we don't end up arriving late." I grimace, taking my phone and stuffing it in my pocket once the screen fades to black.

As if on queue, Luka's voice sounds from the living room. "Miku? We should be going."

I take one last look in the mirror, before taking a deep breath and smiling. "Coming!" I respond with a raised voice, grabbing the door handle and exiting the bedroom.

Luka's standing in the doorway, having already put on her coat and boots. I stop abruptly when I see her. She looks stunning. I mean, she always looks pretty, of course she does! Her natural beauty is out of this world; I can't believe how lucky I got. But the tight, scarlet jumper she's wearing underneath that fluffy white coat and the simple yet gorgeous makeup on her face really takes my breath away.

I don't think I've ever seen Luka wear makeup. Hell, I didn't know she owned any makeup products. She looks beautiful.

A light blush seeps across her pale cheeks, though we don't break our steady gazes. At last, her lips part. "You look amazing." She mutters, loud enough for me to hear.

I take a step towards her, feeling my own cheeks begin to burn. "And you look absolutely gorgeous." I respond with a shy smile. "I've never seen you wear makeup before."

"O-Oh!" Luka yelps, her voice unmistakably stuttering. "I'm sorry, I don't actually have any makeup, so.. I borrowed some of yours. I hope you don't mind." She panics, averting her gaze as if embarrassed. "I don't even know if I used it correctly..."

A chuckle escapes my lips, and I cup her face in my hands. She shifts her eyes up back to me. "I don't mind." With that, I lean in closer, and our lips meet in a short, sweet kiss. "You look beautiful."

"You do too." She murmurs, smiling shyly. I draw back my hands and grab my boots, while Luka snatches a pretty white scarf and wraps it delicately around her neck. "We should be going."

"Yeah." I agree, stuffing my feet into the boots before jumping up. "I'm really excited! Come on, let's go!"


The four of us sit around a circular table, enjoying each other's company as well as the delicious food.

IA was the first one to arrive, and she greeted us with a timid smile. She seemed pretty nervous, given the fact that it was her first ever date. Yukari has arrived shortly after, sprinting towards us and accidentally colliding into Luka. Fashionably late, was her excuse.

IA and Yukari are adorable and dorky together. I suppose the same could be said about Luka and I, however. I wonder if the people passing by assume we are a group of friends, and nothing more? They're dead wrong about that.

"This tastes so good!" Yukari cries, stuffing her face without shame. "Seriously, this stuff is the best. We are for sure coming here again!"

"Agreed." Luka adds, picking at her food daintily and rolling her eyes at the lilac-haired girl. She glanced at me, and her face breaks into a smile. "You suggested this place, didn't you?" She asks.

I nod primly, loose teal hair falling over my face to hide my cheeks that are stained with a faint, pink blush. "I did. I knew you loved sushi, so..." I chuckle, before my eyes drift down to her plate. "What flavour did you get?"

"Negitoro." Luka responds, picking up a single piece of sushi with her chopsticks and waving it in front of me. "Here, try some."

Obediently, I open my mouth. "Hey, this tastes really good!" I chirp, chewing the sushi thoughtfully. Luka draws back, grinning.

IA pushes her plate away and rests her head in the palm of her hand. "You two are super cute together." She murmurs, watching us through rounded, cerulean orbs.

Yukari pouts. "IA, you can have some of my sushi!" She declares, fumbling around with her chopsticks before coming to the devastating realisation that she'd already long devoured her portion. "Oh." She chuckles nervously, sweat-dropping. "Maybe not."

I can't stop myself from laughing. "It's the thought that counts, Yukari." I add, before leaning back in my chair and stretching my arms high above my head. "I'm full.."

Yukari stops in her tracks. "No desert?" She whines, looking at me through puppy-dog eyes. IA looks at her in disbelief and laughs and airy laugh.

"You've probably eaten the most, Yukari." She states, nudging the sulking girl, who fires back "so what?!"

And thus, IA, Luka and I wait for Yukari to pretty much inhale a strawberry sundae, before sharing the bill and venturing out the restaurant, ready to catch the next train to the nearest coast.

A/N: it's already halfway through summer break for me and I've only just updated qwq gotta make the most of these next few weeks before school ruins my life again
Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this side-chapter! It's nice to write this stuff once in a while xp
See you all in the next chapter! (after a special announcement ;))

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