Top Tier - #50

266 21 14

Miku's PoV

During the next few classes, I'm slightly scatterbrained. On one hand, I'm thinking about Luka. About how happy I am with where we are now and where we're heading, about how pretty she is, about how perfect she is. But when aren't I thinking about her? I suppose it's no surprise.

On the other hand, I'm thinking about Yukari and IA — mostly about how stupidly obvious Yukari's feelings are. Yukari came out to me and Luka a few weeks ago, upon introducing herself and thanking us for giving her courage to be herself. And though we didn't spend long hanging out with IA, the signs are definitely there. Constant smiling? Check! Faint blushing? Definitely! Teasing? Yup!

If Yukari really does feel this way, perhaps we could organise a double date? That could be fun, right? Will Luka even approve of this proposal? Hopefully, at least.

However, on another, metaphorical hand, I'm wondering why some people are so pathetically childish, and why these people are top-tier to everyone else.

If you take my geography class — or any of my classes, for that matter — and divide the students into separate categories, the results are pretty varied. First of all, you have the absolute idiots who think the place is their castle and they are the ruler. They don't care wether they hurt people physically or emotionally. All they care is that they're number one. Can you guess who fits into this category?

Then you have the smartasses, the nerds who actually have the motivation to study at home and get an A+ on all their exams. The kind of people who send all their revision notes as social media streaks and then tell you they didn't revise the next day. I'll hand it to them, though, they're pretty dedicated. I can't even tell the x axis from the y axis..

Then, there's the teachers pet. Do I really have to say much? Their hand shoots up in the air to tell the teacher if you do anything as minor as breathe incorrectly. They have all the faculty members around their pinky finger, ready to set them on you like a pack of bloodthirsty wolves.

There's also the artists. These beings tend to hide in the corner, doodling cute little characters instead of taking notes. I'd love to be able to draw, but I can't even draw something as basic as an apple without it looking like a toddlers masterpiece.

Oh, right; I forgot the jocks. The sporty, popular people who spend their lives outside in the sun, kicking around a football or wrestling each other to the ground while the rest of us introverts sit down with junk food, watching Netflix or playing video games, curtains drawn and leaving us in darkness.

And then, I suppose there are the misfits, such as myself. We all have different tales to share — too different interests, undying social anxiety, 'friends' that turned everyone else against us.

"Listen up, students." The hoarse voice of my teacher breaks me out of my thoughts. I shake my head slightly, attempting to bring myself back down to earth and pushing these irrelevant thoughts to the back of my mind. The chatter of the other students dies down until it is nonexistent, which earns a slight nod of satisfaction from the middle-aged professor, who is standing patiently at the front of the room.

"I would like to you to please turn to page 139 in your textbooks and answer the questions regarding climate change." The instructions are pretty straight forward. As long as I keep my head down, hopefully I won't have to deal with any wrath from other students.


A hand shoots into the air, before a familiar voice speaks up. "I'm sorry, sensei, but I don't seem to have a textbook."

From the front of the room, I see the teachers face crease with slight annoyance at the inconvenience. He lets out a sigh, and I swear he rolls his eyes. "Very well, Kagamine-san... there's a spare seat next to Hatsune-san over there. I hope you don't mind sharing resources with her this lesson."

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