Shades of Lilac - #35

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Miku's PoV

The sound of the rain crashing continuously against the window is the only thing breaking me out of my thoughts.

Silence. The class is barely ever this silent. The absence of sound is soothing, because when the class are loud and obnoxious, a majority of their laughs are directed at me.

It's got to the point where the words "you will be writing an assessment in silence today" are almost a relief. That's saying a lot.

After finishing early, I rest my head against my hand and stare down at the paper below me, absently rereading the words scribbled down in my messy, rushed handwriting.

When Rin and I were younger, our handwriting was almost identical. The similarities would confuse all of our teachers; it was somewhat amusing.

Why I'm thinking back to this, I don't know. These moments have been ruined. They're gone. Forever. And mostly, I'm glad about that. Rin isn't the person I looked up to, she wasn't the cool, sweet girl I thought she was, and I'm glad I'm not one of them anymore.

But there's still a dull ache in my chest that I can't quite deny... after all, I thought I was happy with her, with her friends. I thought I belonged with them.

Abruptly, I look up. Rin is sitting at the desk in front of me. She is looking back over her shoulder, glaring at me. I bite my lip and slowly avert my gaze to the window on my left.

Mesmerised, I watch as one after another, raindrops race down the glass window, a game of Mario Kart without destructive shells of blue, red and green.

Luka likes the rain. My thoughts wander back to a certain pink-haired angel. I recall a certain conversation a couple weeks back, a conversation we shared on a rainy evening where she told me that ever since she was a child, she had loved the rainy weather. She'd also mentioned a name of someone who liked the rain... pluvi-phile or something like that.

A long sigh escapes my cracked lips, and I think back to Lukas uncharacteristic behaviour as we walked to school earlier this morning. Something about her has been strangely different over the course of the weekend, and I'm getting progressively more concerned.

Have I done something wrong? What if I've done something to hurt or upset her? What if she's lost her trust in me? Endless 'what if' questions are now spinning around in my head like a record player. I clench my fist and grit my teeth, determined to keep my sanity.

"Ah-!" The sudden, deafening sound of the ringing bell causes me to flinch. A couple of students give me a weird glare, but I try my best to ignore them, and I swiftly begin to clumsily pack my stationary away.

The peaceful silence from before is long extinct. Students gather in small groups and begin to laugh, gossip and yell, their voices obnoxiously loud.

"Get back to your seats. The bell doesn't dismiss you - I do!" The furious teaches yells, agitated by the class's chattiness.

Obediently, I sink back down into my chair and watch as the rest of the class begrudgingly obey the teachers demands.

A few moments of silence. "Thank you. You are now dismissed. Have a good break."

Almost immediately, everyone jumps up from their seats and rushes out the room with their friends. All except me, as usual. Unlike the rest of the students, I don't have much reason to rush.

I grab my bag and saunter out of the classroom and into the compact corridors. Teenagers are rushing left, right and centre - being the social butterfly I was a while ago, I didn't mind this; in fact, I was the one in the centre of everyone. But now, the sight of the crowded rooms is enough to make my stomach feel funny.

Once the crowd had somewhat dispersed, I begin strolling down the maze of corridors, trapped in a world of my own, until a chorus of sniggering voices come into earshot.

"You've got to be kidding me. Another one? Three is three too many!"
"It's fine!  It's more than fine actually; it's great! If she wants to go to hell, then we will just bring her hell on Earth."
"Welcome to the freak committee. Enjoy your stay, you bitch!"
"Wonder is the pink-haired slut is beginning to brainwash people to become as pathetic as her. Ha!"

My hands subconsciously curl into shaking fists. "Pink-haired slut..." I repeat under my breath, before taking a sharp breath and stepping towards the source of the voices.

"Or maybe stupidity is infectious. Eww, don't get too close to her! You'll get infected!"

A series of shrieks and laughs arise after that last remark. I peer around the corner silently, only to see Rin, Meiko, SeeU, Dell and Fukase crowding around someone, all of them acting like elementary school children.

I squint my eyes to see a flash of lilac in the centre of all the commotion. She looks unamused, like she's trying to keep up a careless facade, but on the inside, it's starting to hurt her.

And then she speaks. "If you all don't leave me alone, then I'll happily infect each and every one of you. Thank you."

A short silence. The popular bitches all exchange glances, before bursting out in laughter, almost doubling up as they wheeze and mock the innocent girls' courage.

"Oh no guys, she will infect us! We better run for the hills!" Meiko jokes. And with that, they turn around and walk away, still roaring with laughter.

Silently, I watch their backs as they walk out of sight, before turning my attention back to the purple-haired victim. She's standing motionlessly in the middle of the corridor - she looks so lost, I swear I feel my heart shatter a bit.

After hesitating, I emerge and pace over to her. "Are you okay?" I inquire, looking at her through sad, cerulean orbs.

Yukari blinks, before facing at me and flashing me a quick smile. "Miku!" She says my name, her tone of voice sounding surprised, but somewhat happy. "Yeah, yeah... I'm fine, thanks!"

I tilt my head to one side slightly, before returning a small smile. "You handled that situation really well," I admit, "I don't think I'll ever have the strength to sass them back like that. Props to you!"

Yukari's lilac eyes almost light up like stars in a night sky. "Thanks for the kind words! It's nothing really... they're absolute morons." She rolls her eyes, and I giggle.

"That's true," I agree. I look around, to see the corridor is pretty much desolate. "Would you like to hang out with me? I was just going to find Luka, you can feel free to stick with us if you'd like."

Yukari nods her head in thanks and gives me a smile. "Thank you so much for your consideration. I'd love to join you - if you don't mind!"

A/N: whooop an update uwu I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter~! As always, thank you so much for reading, and see you guys in the next chapter~

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