Getting Heated - #59

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Luka's PoV

I lay awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling above me. After all, how am I expected to just fall asleep after such a disagreement? It's driving me crazy.

I roll over into my side with a shallow sigh. What did Miku expect me to say? At the end of the day, her safety is what matters the most, and I don't want to sound like a selfish bitch by forcing her to stay somewhere she may not be safe, though her extreme reaction is making me wonder...

I've been hoping she'd eventually calm down and get into bed, though she hasn't made any such appearance yet, and I'm beginning to get extremely worried. I've thought once or twice about knocking on the door and checking up on her, but does she really want me around right now? I don't want to make the situation worse, but I'm beginning to feel like whatever I do will end badly either way.

So what do I do?

Thud. A sudden, loud 'thud' sounds through the apartment, and I sit up straight, alarmed. That sounded like it came from the bathroom...

"Shit," I mutter as I scramble out of bed and rush into the hallway towards the bathroom. As I approach, I realise the door is still locked, much to my dismay.

I raise my hand and knock on the door. "Miku? Are you okay?" I ask.

No response.

I knock again. "If you don't answer me, I'm coming in."

Still no response.

I grit my teeth and clench my fists, before dashing back into the bedroom and grabbing a bobby pin from my vanity. I've never tried to pick a lock myself before, but I've heard about the trick from online sources and TV shows.

"I hope this works," I mutter to myself, taking a deep breath and making my way back to the bathroom door. I bend the bobby pin and stick it into the button lock, wiggling it gently as I try to pry the door open. Luckily, the trick ends up successful, and the door slowly opens.

I peer around the room. The light is on, and the cabinet door is wide open, much to my confusion. Abruptly I look down, and what I see makes my heart stop.

Miku is sprawled across the bathroom floor, eyes fluttered shut, a nasty looking mark on her forehead that wasn't there before. In one bloody hand, she is clutching an open tub of paracetamol.

What the fuck has she done? I lean down beside her and shake her limp body, desperate to wake her up. "Miku? Miku!"

My gaze falls upon the empty tub. Pills are scattered across the freezing tiled floor. Her hand is covered in blood.

You could have prevented this.

"Uuuu..." Miku splutters. I turn my head to face her, and to my upmost relief, she opens her eyes. For a moment, she looks confused, before her expression creases with pain.

"Miku?" I squeak, shuffling back to give her some space.

Slowly, she sits herself up, leaning against the wall. She shakes her head gently, before glancing at the tub in her hand, smeared with blood. "Oh gosh, I've made such a mess.." she mutters, leaning back and closing her eyes.

I bite my lip. "H-Hey—"

Almost immediately, her eyes open wide and she jerks forward, glaring at me. "L-Luka?" She stutters, before frantically looking towards the door. "Why are you in here? I could have sworn I locked myself in.."

I sigh, sweeping the pills into my hand. "I picked the lock," I explain simply, before looking back up at her through narrowed eyes. "You have a lot of explaining to do, Miku."

At first, Miku's eyes cloud with fear. She looks away and exhales deeply, before shaking her head gently from side to side. "No... no, I don't." She mumbles.

"Excuse me?" I fume. "I walk in and find you on the floor, passed out, blood everywhere and surrounded by pills? Holy fuck, you almost have me a heart attack! The least you can do is give me an explanation. I can't have you doing shit like this again—"

"I don't owe you anything," Miku responds, her voice monotonous. "After all, in time, it'll be none of your business what I do, will it? What can I say? This world wants nothing more than to throw obstacle after obstacle after me, to see me break down over and over again. What's the point in living like that?"

I clench my fists, agitation building up within me. "You say that like I have no idea what you're talking about. Me, of all people? Miku, I faced bullying every day of my life; I've had to live with girls and boys alike telling me that I'm a murderer, a good for nothing waste of space! People have told me to kill myself, that I make no difference to this world — what's the point in living like that?" As wrong as I know it is, I can't help but feel riled up.

Miku's eyes prick with tears. "I know you've been through so, so much, and I've told you over and over again, I'm sorry for the things you've had to go through! But from day one, I've tried my very hardest to be a good friend to you, to make you feel loved and wanted in a world that can be so cruel. And what do I get in return? You trying to get rid of me, siding with my mother and brother when I need your backup the most?" She closes her eyes and throws her head back. "Why the fuck did I even bother?"

I blink in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me? You're kidding me, right?" I ask, desperate for the answer to be a 'yes'. "Why don't you listen to me when I say your safety matters the most? You're twisting my intentions and making me seem like the bad guy without giving a crap about what I really think!"

"You WERE my safety," Miku growls. "You're saying I didn't listen to you, when really, you didn't listen to me. Because I told you all of this!"

"Are you insane?!" I yell. "Safety isn't defined by people at school giving you nothing but wrath and a psychotic father!"

"Who's behind bars!" Miku spits back.

"Even so—"

"Just leave me the fuck alone." Miku grumbles, bringing her knees to her chest and hiding her face.

I pause for a moment, taking in everything that had just happened, and the bitter words that had just been exchanged. "Fine." I mutter, grabbing the pills and rushing out of the room.

A/N: well well well a double update because I wrote this surprisingly quickly so uh enjoy i guess?? ahem
ive not got much to say here lmao soooo thanks for reading, hopefully this doesn't suck and see you in the next chapter!! <3

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