Transient Dreams - #55

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Miku's PoV

The 40 minute journey back home is mostly peaceful as I reflect on all the amazing memories I have made today. I've had the best day possible out at the coast with my favourite few people by my side, and it's really nice to spend a day out with Luka, no matter where we go, It's not something we do very often, after all; it just makes the occasion all the more special.

I never knew she was such a fan of ghost trains and high rollercoasters. To be honest, I felt like a bit of a spoil sport refusing to accompany her on the rides she showed interest in, but high, twisty roller coasters make me feel nauseous, and the thought of monsters jumping out at me in a dark, unfamiliar room — or any room, for that matter — is enough to make my knees tremble.

Though that's one of the things I adore the most about her. Despite her mature, reserved persona, she's full of surprises. Every day I seem learn something new about her; something that makes me fall for her that little bit more. By this point, I've fallen pretty deep into said pit, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

This time, Luka and I are sitting on the front-facing seats of the train, with Yukari and IA toughing it out on the backward-facing ones. The sun is beginning to set, dissolving into a pretty twilight. The orange and pink tints against them darkening blue sky are gorgeous, and through half-closed eyes, I find myself watching the stunning dusk outside the pellucid train window, all the while resting my head on Luka's shoulder. She has one arm around me, and follows my gaze in identical awe.

Though an enjoyable one, it's been a long day, and I'm pretty exhausted. I can't wait to get home and crash on the bed, but for now, Luka makes a pretty comfy pillow. Her grip around me is gentle, yet firm; it's affectionate and protective, engulfing me in a sense of security.

If it weren't for my phone buzzing in my pocket every now and then, I'd be right at peace. But the device refuses to quit it, much to my irritation.

All day, messages have been pouring in, causing that annoying 'ping!' alert to play. After a while, I put my phone on mute, being sure not to glance at the screen as I did so. It may sound petty, or even straight up ridiculous, but something about those consistent messages gave me bad vibes. And during such a blissful experience, I didn't want any negativity bringing me down.

After a while, I feel the train slow to halt. Luka gently nudges me, and I sit up with a disappointed sigh, rather enjoying the comfortable position I was just in. By this point, the dusky colours have faded from the sky, and darkness in enveloping the town. Tiny shining stars cascade across the firmament and stretch into the great unknown, constellations playing join the dots and watching the world beneath them. I wonder if they're watching over me, too?

Yukari jumps up from her seat and stretches her arms high above her head, looking as drained as I feel. "I guess this is where we part," she states, looking at us each in turn and smiling. "Thank you all for an amazing day! I've had so much fun!" Though she looks tired out, her tone of voice is as energetic as it usually is, and her lilac orbs shine brightly.

"Thank you", I respond, stifling a yawn and smiling back at my friend. "I really hope we can do it again sometime soon!" I look to Luka for confirmation, who nods her head in agreement, much to my relief.

"Agreed." IA steps aside and beckons to Yukari, who links arms with her and follows close behind. "We should be going now, but we'll talk soon. Have a safe journey home, you two," she says with a nod, before departing the carriage. Yukari glances over her shoulder and waves frantically, until they've turned the corner, out of sight.

"She's really something," I mutter under my breath with an airy chuckle, before turning to Luka and meeting her mesmerising azure eyes. "Ready to go?"

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