Spark - #29

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Luka's PoV

I swing my legs back and forth gently as I sit on the edge of the rooftop, staring down at the ground below. The constant rain continues to fall, soaking my uniform and causing me to shiver slightly.

I can't think straight. My mind is clouded with thoughts and the words and phrases that had been spoken earlier; Rin's hatred, Fukase's bitterness, Miku's-

"Luka!" A desperate scream.

I don't turn around, nor do I turn to look in the opposite direction; I just sit motionlessly, staring at the earth below.

Footsteps approach me quickly, followed by another call. "L-Luka.." Out of the corner of my eye, I see her sit beside me.

A rumble of thunder. She lets out a whimper of fear, and I feel her blue eyes burn into me - worried, hopeful.

I take a deep breath and meet her eyes. "Its fine. Its just thunder." I tell her, attempting a small, comforting smile. To my surprise, Miku doesn't respond - her piercing blue eyes fill with tears, and she throws her arms around me. Her grip is tight, her embrace warm.

I hug her back, gripping her just as tightly. Her slender body trembles in my arms, and her breaths are shaky. "Everything's okay..." I assure her.

"Everything isn't okay..." she mumbles in response, a quiet sob escaping her lips. She pulls away and looks at me through those tearful blue eyes. "If everything were okay, Rin wouldn't say such things to you! If everything were okay, you wouldn't cut yourself! If everything were okay, you wouldn't be sitting here, pondering wether t-to-" she chokes out another sob, and another. Tears flow down her cheeks uncontrollably.


"I hate it!" She yells. "I hate how you're treated! I hate how you think the world is better off without you!"

I remain silent and avert my gaze. Miku takes a deep, shaky breath and dries her eyes with her sleeve. A moment of silence passes by, until I feel her place her hand atop of mine. Surprised, I look back up at her.

She smiles a sad smile. "I care about you more than I care about myself and... I just... don't want you to feel this pain anymore..." she tells me, ignoring the cracks in her voice. "If something happened to you, my world would be totally destroyed in a matter of seconds..."

"...y-you said you loved me?" I stutter. Embarrassment crosses Miku's face for a moment, and despite the darkness, I see her cheeks turn a light shade of red.


"I did say that..." Miku admits shyly, staring down at her hand, which is still placed on my own. "I'm so fed up of Rin and that lot beating you up and saying you are a waste of space, saying you're unloved and saying such horrible things about your mother... so I came clean to prove them wrong... I-I love you..."

As she speaks, I feel a strange sensation in my stomach, almost like butterflies that had been sleeping for years on end have just woken up and are now flying around for the first time.

Silently, I turn my hand up and take hold of hers. She grips my hand tightly, tears still flowing down her cheeks.

"I hate to watch you feel so much pain..." she whispers, meeting my eyes once again.

"...I'm sorry." I murmur back, turning my head and staring back at the cloudy sky.

A crash of thunder, followed by the illumination of lightning. Miku remains silent this time; her body doesn't tense, she doesn't flinch, she doesn't wince, she doesn't whimper.

The distant ringing of the school bell sounds, breaking us free from our trances.

"Geography." I mumble, clambering back up to my feet. Miku let's out a soft groan and follows me along the rooftop, wiping the tears from her glassy blue eyes.


Class was a bore.

No, like, seriously, it was a bore.

Nobody spoke a word to me. I caught Rin glaring at me and whispering to her friends, but for the entire hour, she spoke no words to me.

"I wonder how long that will last?" I mutter to myself as I pack my bag.

As soon as the teacher announces that class is dismissed, I swing my bag over my shoulder and rush out the room. Miku's class is a couple corridors down from mine, so I head down there to wait for her.

Teenagers push and shove desperately through the crowded room, clawing their way to freedom. Someone shoves my arm hard, and I let out a grunt of both pain and annoyance.

Eventually, I reach her classroom. Breathing a sigh of relief, I peer through the classroom window, only to see its empty. Confused, I look around briefly, but Miku is nowhere to be seen.

"That's strange..." I mumble to myself. Maybe her class was let out early and she's headed back home already?

Breathing out a sigh, I turn around and head out the building. The previously overcast weather has began to disperse, and I can see the odd patch of colour returning to the grey skies.

"Miku'll be relieved." I murmur to myself with a small smile. Whereas I enjoy cloudy, rainy weather, she seems to enjoy sunnier days.

I navigate my way through the maze of chatty teenagers and begin heading down the road towards my apartment.

As a fast walker, it doesn't take very long to get back to the apartment from school. Pretty soon I find myself thoughtfully climbing the stairs to my floor.

As I approach the front door, I realise it's been unlocked. "Miku?" I call into the silence as I slowly open the door.

I wander into the living room. Miku's schoolbag has been tossed carelessly onto the sofa, causing books and paper to fall from her open bag and onto the floor. "Miku?" I call again. Clink. Crash. Tiny sounds are coming from the kitchen, the only noises breaking the strange silence.

Quietly, I approach the kitchen and peer around the doorframe.

A/N: aNd We LeAvE iT tHeRe! :D
I hope the cliffhanger from last chapter didn't kill anyone... (ImaKo, I hope you are alive and well;; xD)
I promised a few people I'd update today, so I hope you enjoyed the chapter! uwu
Also, something I wanted to mention... tHIS FANFIC IS RANKED HOLY HELL THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT <33
Without further ado~ see you next time! c':

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