Fuzzy Feelings - #47

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UPDATE:: I wrote this chapter last night and since then some devastating news has spread. A few days ago, April 5th, wowoka passed away due to a heart attack at the age of 31.
A producer who's music means so much to me, a talented person who's helped us build up this community you and I both love dearly.
The above is an imperfect sketch I drew in his honour. Though it's nothing compared to all he's given us, I wanted to do something.
Rest in peace, wowoka. ありがとうごずいます。

Miku's PoV

I awake the next morning to see the world outside the condensated window painted completely in soft, white snow. The memories from yesterday haven't yet left my mind - spending an evening with Luka in the magical place she discovered years ago, seeing those first few flakes of snow pirouette down to the ground, and holding her hand as we journeyed back home.

We were both blushing like mad. Despite the freezing temperature we were walking in, I felt warm and fuzzy on the inside. Every now and then she'd squeeze my hand tightly, causing my heart to flutter wildly in my chest. I'd squeeze back, never wanting to let this hand go. It was beautiful. Upon arriving back at the apartment and knowing I had to let go, I can't deny the wave of disappointment that crashed over me. It's a shame it couldn't last.

And though now it's just a fond memory, I hope to experience this bliss again. I wonder if she feels the same, too? Is it selfish of me to hope she does?

By the time I'm up and ready, Luka's sat primly on the sofa, sipping a coffee and reading a book. She's wearing a pair of scarlet glasses, and her hair falls loosely over her shoulders. As per usual, she looks effortlessly stunning. She looks up at me as I approach and flashes me a warm smile. "Good morning."

I return the smile. "Good morning!" I respond in a melodic voice, before enthusiastically pointing to the window. "Look, there's snow everywhere!"

"I've seen." She chuckles, carefully placing her coffee down on the table and moving her book to one side. "It's pretty, isn't it?" She comments, following my gaze. "You want to go out in it, don't you?

I look back at her, grinning. She knows me so well, I don't even have to say a thing! "Yes! How did you know?"

Luka raises an eyebrow. "You're not exactly difficult to read, you know." She smirks. "I don't want you catching a cold, though."

"You're the one that forgot to bring gloves yesterday, not me!" I pout, already going to get my coat. I hear her mutter something behind me, though can't exactly make out her words. "Did you say something?"

"Nothing!" Her tone of voice is playful.

I grab our coats before gliding back into the room, and tossing Luka her coat. It isn't long before we're all kitted out, in scarves, gloves and bobble hats.

We dart out of the building and into the winter wonderland, looking around in nothing but awe, before trudging across the road, and over towards the local park. Though some of the memories associated with this place aren't the greatest — ahem, nearly breaking my ankle on the swing while trying to impress my best friends — I'm sure today's will overwrite them.

Excited children are frolicking around, dragging sledges up hills before riding them back down again, scooping up fluffy snow and patting it into a cold, white sphere before lobbing it at their friends and family, having a great time with those they love; their squeals and laughter only adding to the magical atmosphere. I watch them for a moment, unable to keep back a smile.

As young children, Mikuo and I would never fail to have snowball fights in the back garden - a face full of snow, however, wasn't my most favourite thing ever. I'd start to cry, and he'd feel bad and offer me a free shot as revenge. Then we'd build a snowman together, before fleeing back indoors, sitting by the fire and drinking steaming mugs of hot chocolate.

Luka interrupts my nostalgic thinking with a sharp shove to the ribs. "Are you going to stand there and watch with that obvious sentimentality of yours all day?" She falls back into the show, arms and legs outstretched, grinning like a child.

Seeing Luka like this really warms my heart. She's the most mature person I know - she had to grow up quickly and didn't really get much of a childhood, so to see her let go and enjoy herself like this is both gladdening and freaking adorable.

"A snow angel, huh?" I fall into place beside her, and we stay that way for a while, moving our arms and legs in sync. The low temperature send shivers through my body, but I don't care. There's nowhere else I'd rather be right now, nothing else I'd rather be doing, no one else I'd rather be with.

Carefully, we stand up and step backwards to view our masterpieces. Two perfect figures of angels among the millions and billions of snowflakes, side my side. Luka smiles sweetly at me, a beam of pure innocence. I smile back at her, progressively falling more and more in love with that smile.

And before I know it, a perfect ball of snow hits my cheek, causing a violent shiver. Luka giggles, before darting off. I narrow my eyes in playful disbelief. "You are so dead!" I yell, grabbing a handful of snow and chasing after her.

I'll give it to her, she runs fast!

She fires snowballs back at me rapidly, each one being difficult to dodge. Once I've caught up, I mercilessly launch my own snowball at her, half expecting the shot to be a complete miss. To my entertainment, however, it hits her square on the nose.

Our war lasts a little while, before we are both collapsed under a tree, chests heaving and shivering. "You're so mean!" I exclaim once I've regained breath, crossing my arms and pouting. Luka gives a small smile and holds her arms up in a mocking surrender.

A short silence, before I drop the act and flash her a timid smile. "All in all though, thank you coming out with me. It's cold and uncomfortable sure, but snow isn't exactly a common occurrence, and I really love it. Only problem was when Mikuo moved out, I didn't have anyone to experience this with anymore, so it's been really nice to enjoy it like I used to." I pick at the end of my scarf shyly, rather bashfully.

"Miku, it's my pleasure." Luka's voice is calming. "I'm glad I could experience this with you. This weather is both magical and simply stunning. There's no one else I'd want to spend this time with."

I look over to her, and our eyes interlock. Her eyes are beautiful. That's something I've thought since day one. The way they light up when she's happy, the tenderness they show daily. They're like the ocean - deep blue, calming, easy to fall in love with. They burn with passion, they convey the emotions she sometimes can't express with words. They're pretty. She's pretty.

She's all I can think about right now.

I lean forward, mesmerised. The chattering and laughing of others playing in the snow dies down. Right now, in this world of mine, it's just me and Luka. Her eyes flutter shut, and our lips meet in a gentle kiss.

Her lips are soft, the kiss is sweet and gentle, yet so loving.

I can taste the faint taste of strawberry lip balm.

I can feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy.

And though I know it has to, I never, ever, ever want this moment to end.

A/N: okayy :D this chapter took a while to finish but, devotion beats authors block once more uwu
I've noticed a couple newcomers on this fic and I just wanted to say thanks so much for the support, it means so much <3
and a massive thank you to those who've been here since the beginning and continue to fight through my annoying irregular updates, you're all kings and queens <33
as always!! See you all in the next chapter~! ♪

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