Unwanted - #14

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A/N: The following contains sensitive topics such as depression, self-harm and suicide, and also this fic ships female X female and contains strong language, suicide and abuse, so if you have a problem with that then you may want to click off this story. You have been warned.

Miku's PoV

Up until this point, my life has been a breeze. I've always been one of the people in the centre of attention, someone younger students looked up to. I hadn't lost anyone close to me in a tragic way. Up until now, I was always happy.

At least, that's what I thought. Now I realise that I was never truly happy. On a day to day basis I was forced to wear a mask and pretend to be someone I wasn't, out of fear. I was too scared to show my true colours, and for a while, I forgot who I was.

But then, someone taught me a valuable lesson - a girl who carries the weight of the world on her shoulders all day everyday, a lost girl that goes by the name of Luka.

I realised that this wasn't who I wanted to be. I realised how much I was hurting other people, and I hated it. However, I couldn't bring myself to go behind Rin's back.

I was scared. I knew I was in the wrong, but for the longest time, I was too scared to fix it. But now I have, and though the problems are progressing, I feel more at ease than I ever did with Rin, Dell and the others.

"Urgh... How much longer...?" I ask myself, turning my head to stare at the clock. Tick, tick, tick...

The teacher huffs and stands up, looking just as bored and agitated as I feel. "Hatsune, you are free to go now. Next time, do not turn up to my class late without a good reason!" She warns me.

"Understood." I mutter under my breath as I grab my bags and exit the room. Earlier, I was given a detention for arriving to PE late after mine and Luka's... conflict, lets say.

I walk silently down the monochromatic corridors, the only sound breaking the almost eerie silence is the constant tap, tap, tap as I walk. The silence is unsettling - it makes me feel alone, and solitude is the one thing I'm most afraid of.

When I met Luka, she admitted to me that for a while she had cut and has upsetting thoughts, like suicide. The day we became friends, I prevented her from taking her life... I promised her she'd never feel like that again.

But she does. The thought that one day I could wake up and she won't terrifies me. I promised her she'd be happier - but as a friend, have I failed? Is that what she was trying to say earlier, perhaps? Or are my expectations just a fantasy?

Caught up in my thoughts, I find myself walking straight into a lamppost.

"Ow-!" I mutter, taking a step back and rubbing my forehead. "Stupid lamppost... Stupid thoughts..." I huff, kicking the ground before storming off, desperate to get back home after such a long day.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I push the front door open and step inside. Before I have time to go to my bedroom and relax, I hear a voice call my name from inside the kitchen.

"Miku! Can you come in here for a moment, please?" My mother calls. I dump my bag on the ground before heading into the kitchen.

"Is something wrong?" I ask my parents as I take a seat. Their gazes burn into me - one surprised, the other furious.

My mother takes a deep breath before sitting down opposite me. After a moment of reluctance, she looks at me seriously before speaking.

"We've recently seen... a video you were tagged in online... the footage showed you and another girl talking, when you mention that you're... bisexual." A cold sweat comes over me as she says this.

When she gets no response, she raises an eyebrow. "Is this information correct?"

Silence. I sit there in complete, discomforting silence, unable to form words. My fear of judgement prevents me from speaking, and I have nothing to do but sit there with my head down.

My father grunts and slams his fist against the wooden table, causing me to flinch. His angered eyes meet mine for a brief moment, a distinguishable hatred burning in his icy blue orbs.

"This child is nothing more than a disappointment!" He declares. "Her grades are crap - she's useless! And now you're telling me she-"

"Calm down!" Mum orders, her voice raised. "She's your daughter! How could you say such heartless things?!" She looks my dad in the eye, and there is a brief pause, before he glares at me once again.

"Get out. Get out of my sight." He growls. I get up and run out of the kitchen and up to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

Muffled yelling sounds from downstairs. Desperately, I curl up in the corner of the room, bringing my knees to my chest and covering my ears with my hands.

"I don't want to hear any more of this..." I whisper to myself, feeling hot tears burn my eyes. One after another, they flow silently down my cheeks. Before long, choking sobs were escaping my lips. I long for someone to hold me close and tell me everything will be alright, but instead, I sit alone, cold, breaking.

Time passes by slowly as I cry, my body shaking and my chest hurting. Slowly, different aspects of my world are disappearing, and I fear that soon, there will be nothing left.

A/N: whoop I think I'm back on track with updating this fic~ aaaanyway~ hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter! See you guys!

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