Water Colours - #16

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A/N: The following contains sensitive topics such as depression, self-harm and suicide, and also this fic ships female X female and contains strong language, suicide and abuse, so if you have a problem with that then you may want to click off this story. You have been warned.

Miku's PoV

Slowly, I open my eyes. My eyelids feel heavy, and I blink a few times before sitting up and looking around the room. At first, I don't know where I am, or how I ended up here. But after a few moments, I remember the terror my father put me through, the memory making me shiver.

"Miku! You're awake!" A sigh of relief escapes Luka's lips as she rushes over to me, a faint smile on her face.

"Nngh... Where are we...?" I ask her, sitting up and staring around the unfamiliar room once again.

"We're in my apartment. You passed out on the way here..." Luka murmurs, sitting next to me and combing her hand through my knotty hair. I grimace at the action, but remain silent.

Luka bites her lip before speaking up. "Do you... want anything to eat? You mentioned how you haven't really eaten anything for a few days..."

The mentioning of food makes my stomach growl, but I sigh and shake my head. "I think I've lost my appetite."

Luka looks at me - there's no denying the worry in her eyes. "Are you sure about that?" She asks. I nod my head in response. "O-okay then..."

The room falls silent one again, the only disturbances being the tedious ticking of the clock, as well as the thumping of my heart as I recall what happened.

I draw a shaky breath in attempt to calm down - all the while Luka looks at me with the same expression, worry. Flashing a small smile at her so she doesn't worry so much, I try my best to shuffle off the sofa and stand up, but my legs are still weak underneath me.

"Take it easy, Miku." Luka murmurs, grabbing my wrist and gently pulling me back onto the sofa. A depressed sigh escapes my lips and I hide my face with my hands.

"I'm so sorry..." I whisper. "I'm so weak and... and I'm probably being such a nuisance at the moment to you... Gomen nasai... gomen nas-"

"Miku, don't you dare apologise!" Luka snaps, cutting me off mid-sentence. Her raised voice makes me shiver, and I look at her in both fear and apology.

After a few moments of hesitation, she reaches out and hugs me again. "I'm sorry for scaring you like that..." She sighs. "I just hate to see you apologise for what's happened to you... you don't need to worry, you aren't a nuisance! Don't think things like that..."

Suddenly feeling drained of energy, I rest my head on her chest, feeling comforted by the warm embrace.

"Thank you... so much..." I murmur, a faint smile spreading across my lips and my heavy eyelids beginning to close.

Lukas PoV

Miku's scared, gasping breaths even out into long, relaxed ones, and pretty soon she has fallen asleep.

I smile, feeling both relief and upset. Upset for Miku having to go through such torture, upset at myself for not coming to check on her sooner. If I had done, maybe she wouldn't be in so much agony, maybe she wouldn't be so paranoid.

Despite this, Miku's sleeping expression is peaceful, and it makes me feel a little happier. Though the negative emotions still remained....

"Better move you to the bed." I mutter to the sleeping girl, scooping her up in my arms. Her body was limp, much like earlier, when she had passed out. The déjà vu made me freeze for a moment, but I shook off the feeling and carried Miku into my bedroom.

I place her gently on the bed, tucking her in like a mother would do with her child. I turn off the lights and exit the room, leaving the door slightly open.

Tick, tock, tick, tock. The haunting sound of the clock continues to sound in the dimly lit room. I grab my homework folder from my schoolbag and sit myself down at the table.

An hour or so slowly passes by as I attempt the algebra questions printed out on the sheet in front of me, but it's difficult to concentrate when my mind constantly wanders back to Miku.

The question Miku had asked earlier, "what about my dad?" hasn't left my mind. I know as well as Miku that he won't be happy to see she had just disappeared, and the possibilities as to what he might try and do are endless.

Miku doesn't know what he will try, but now that I think about it, I'm getting ideas. I realise that we have to make the first move in such little time.

But how Miku is going to react to this is what I'm worried about. She's still so overwhelmed with fear, and I feel like if anything else is to happen, she will just break.

"I'm going to have to talk to her about it." I mutter to myself, dropping my pen on the table. "Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after. But it has to be soon."

I lean back in my seat and stare up at the ceiling, still pondering the whole situation. A silent yawn escapes my lips, making me lightly shake my head before looking over to the clock.


The sun is setting, illuminating the dull room with a soft glow. Clouds are beginning to gather in the sky, but still the sun shines bright.

I stare out of the window, admiring the beautiful sunset for a few moments. The sky looks like a watercolour painting on a canvas, and for a moment, it took my breath away.

I smile to myself as I shut the curtains, and the light in the room dies away once again.

I hear the almost inaudible sound of movement coming from my bedroom, and I realise that Miku must have woke up at some point.

Quickly making up my mind, I decide to go and check that she is alright. Swiftly, I gather up my homework folder and toss it back in my schoolbag before approaching the room and peeking my head around the doorframe.

Miku is sitting upright, staring out of the window. Her cheeks are tear-stained once again, but her dull blue eyes are glowing as she gazes out of the window.

"Miku?" I ask.

Miku continues to stare. "It's pretty, isn't it?" She says, her voice breaking. "The sunset looks happy. It's... sad, that it only lasts a little while..."

A/N: I feel like this fic needs to be less speech and more descriptive, so that's what I'm aiming to do XD hope you've enjoyed the chapter! See you in the next one! X3

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