Tender Melodies - #39

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Luka's PoV

Affection has been nonexistent in my stale reality for as long as I can remember. Not even in her wildest dreams would past me have thought her lips would press against the delicate cheek of someone she loved, even if just for a split second. Hell, if someone told me that some time ago, I'd have thought they were crazy.

I feel terrible for making Miku cry like that, and to think my cold actions were the undeniable cause of that makes me want to knock myself out with a baseball bat or some shit. How could I do that to her? A simple apology would be like sticking a bandaid to a broken window, and feeling her slender body quiver in my arms as she cried was painful.

So what did I do? I kissed her. I kissed Miku.

Did I shock myself? Yes. Did it make the situation a whole lot worse? I hope it didn't. My mind has been in a whirl about it all day.

She blushed. I blushed.

She dried her tears. I smiled quickly before glancing away again.

She thanked me. I muttered a response.

Miku is usually like an open book when it comes to expressing how she feels - she beams when she's happy, pouts when she's dissatisfied, cries when she's upset. But since our exchange, we haven't spoke many words to each other. I can't tell what mask she wears today. I can't tell what's in the air surrounding us right now.

She smiles when she notices me glancing in her direction as usual. Maybe I'm just overthinking this? I don't even know.

Hell, now that I mention it, I haven't thought much about this situation. It's almost as if someone's took a pen to a piece of paper and is writing a plot twist, a new chapter in a story titled my name, when only a while ago, the pen remained stationary, the ink bleeding onto the page, flowing down into a dark puddle.

I never thought I'd have a friend, let alone have a crush, or be in love.

I never questioned my sexuality. I never thought about liking girls.

But here I am.

I rest my head in my hand and bite my lip, my thoughts engulfing me.

It's been a year or so since my mother committed suicide. I wonder if heaven exists in some shape or form. I wonder if she's watching me, if she has been the entire time. I wonder what she thinks of me now. I wonder if she's happy for me, or disappointed.

I wonder what she would have thought if she saw me standing atop of the school rooftop that day. That day the sky was painted grey and lightening tore through the cloudy curtains. That day I just wanted to end it all.

Your mother committed suicide because of you. Because you're such a failure.
Aww, are you getting upset? Why not run to mummy! Oh wait! She's dead!

I've heard people in the past say that suicide is selfish. That if you kill yourself, you're ungratefully throwing away a gift given to you by the creator. That you'll be punished. But others have said that suicidal people are fallen angels, desperate to return to their home.

I certainly don't feel like much of an angel myself. If anything, an angel has entered my life, and is showing me what a colourful world I've been missing out on this entire time.

But even so, there's still negativity lurking in the shadows, splattering black paint over this beautiful, diverse canvas.

My train of thought instantly comes to a halt, a melodic voice displacing the silence. I blink once, twice, before forcing myself onto my feet and wandering over to the living room door, which has been left open ever so slightly. Soundlessly, I peek through the gap to see Miku gliding around the room, long, gorgeous twintails perfectly mimicking her elegant movement.

She's singing. Her voice is tender and calming, high pitched but by no means screechy. It's pretty. No, it's more than pretty. It's stunning, tranquil, emotional.

I remain there silently, watching Miku in awe. She has her eyes closed, and her head sways passionately as she sings. She looks like an angel, as well as sounds like one.

Her melody comes to an end, and she smiles a tiny, pure smile, before opening her electric-blue eyes again. Her attention instantly turns to me, and she gasps sharply, before her face instantly turns the colour of a rose. "H-How long have you been standing there-?" She stutters, clearly bashful.

Pushing open the door a little wider, a step into the room and flash her a smile. "Long enough to realise what an amazing singing voice you have. Miku, your voice is stunning."

Miku's eyes widen at the compliment, and she blushes even more - if even possible. "Ah, thank you so much!" She dips her head slightly in gratitude. "I just... I love to sing. It's something I've always loved to do when I'm alone. Sometimes lyrics convey feelings better than you can, you know?"

I nod at her words in agreement. Music is an extremely powerful tool, and something I'm also extremely fond of.

Miku tilts her head and smiles a small smile at me, as if reading my thoughts. "Luka, do you like to sing? You like music, so..."

"Eh? Well, yes, I love music, as it's been there for me more than people have in the past, but... I've never thought too much about singing." I admit.

"Really? Well, it's really fun!"

"I don't doubt that." I sigh. "I just doubt myself. As far as I'm concerned, I sound like a strangled cat when I try to sing a decent melody."

Miku pulls her infamous sad eyes. "But you have a pretty voice as it is... I'm sure you don't sound like a 'strangled cat', I bet you have a beautiful voice! And plus, you're Luka and everything about you is pretty."


"Just saying!" Miku responds in a sing-song voice, grinning at me. "But seriously, I'd love to hear you sing at some point."

"I'll keep that in mind..." I mutter with a shrug, accompanied by a small smile. "But don't get your hopes up..."

A/N: okay so I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with the song dither tune, I've listened to it at least 20 times today but iTS A GOOD SONG!
Anyway, yay I've finally updated omg, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's chapter 39 by the way, ohhh the references! this fanfic is growing old skskskkkdldl-
See you all in the next chapter ! ありがとう、さようなら。
(I'm hoping and praying I spelled that right ahaha-)

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