Unchanged Change - #43

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Miku's PoV

The following day at school is so different, yet exactly the same. The taunts of other students, the raised voices of nagging teachers, the cold, awkward behaviour of my friends. The sense of safety from yesterday is still there, I can't deny it. It's a wonderful feeling. But that doesn't drown out my undying concern for Luka.

We don't have many classes together; PE, Science and that's about it. I don't know how the other students have been treating her in these classes. I hope to god that I've managed to take the attention off of her, even if just a little - I'm managing, right? They can't do much more harm, right?

Silent. She stays silent about those classes. And I don't know if that's a good silence, or a bad silence.

She stays silent about a lot of things. She isn't exactly loud, but she wasn't this disengaged a couple weeks ago. We'd talk about our day, we'd comfort each other when needed, maybe even cry on each other's shoulder or laugh in each others presence. We were getting really close, and now there's been an unexpected, unexplainable jolt. And now it's hard for me to reach her again.

I take a deep breath. I promised myself earlier I'd try and get to the bottom of this by the end of the day, and I hope I can help her, whatever may be on her mind. Am I even capable of that? I'm not sure. I hope so.

Yukari seems to be wondering what's on her mind, also. The first time Yukari approached the two of us a couple of weeks ago, Luka was fine, enjoyed her company, and was grateful for her kind words of admiration. And like me, she's noticed how Lukas moods have recently depleted, spiralling back down into the ground.

The school day will be over soon, and better still, the weekend is right around the corner. I'm unable to stop my eyes from darting over to the ticking clock hanging loosely on the opposing wall. Five minutes to go.

Absently, I rest my head in my hand and gaze out of the window to my left, with no whim to partake in irrelevant conversations with classmates, or tune in to the teachers lecturing.

Outside, the sky is painted a monotonous grey, and barren trees are lacking rhythm as they sway violently in the howling wind. The drastic change from fall to winter has been conspicuous over the past few days, both in appearance and temperature - I suppose I've been too wrapped up in shit recently to take a break and note the changes.


A sharp pain slices me out of my thoughts as someone from behind forcefully tugs my twintail, followed by an eruption of giggles. I sigh and glare over my shoulder. Rin and Fukase are sat conveniently at the desk behind me. The blonde has one arm slightly extended, though she sharply pulls back, almost instantly.

"Funny." I mutter, inaudible under the howling of other students. "Please quit it."

Rin and Fukase exchange glances, before Rin leans forward, blue eyes burning with mockery. "I should have realised sooner how easy of a target you are. Pathetic? Check! Unstable? Check! Long hair to pull on as I please? Double check." As she says this, she mercilessly grabs a handful of teal hair and pulls again, harder.

"Uagh!" It hurts like hell. "Why would you even do this? It's seriously childish!" Teal orbs narrow and meets her gaze. "Grow the fuck up!" My voice is by no means loud, though that doesn't stop my tone from being steady.

"Watch out Rin! Someone's gonna throw a tantrum." Fukase chips in unnecessarily, causing the two to laugh. I lower my head, teal bangs covering my ashamed expression.

Before anyone can say anything more, a strict voice breaks through the chatter. "Miku, Rin, Fukase, stop talking and pay attention!" The teacher yells.

I've never been a perfect student. I would talk a lot, joke a lot in class. I wasn't surprised when my name was called for talking too much, forgetting a homework - but now, hearing my name called is mortifying. The flares and stifled laughs from those around me doesn't help.

To my relief, once the class silences and pays attention, the teacher nods in satisfaction. "You're all dismissed. Have a nice weekend and see you all on Monday."

Swiftly, I put on my coat, grab my bag, and rush out into the bustling corridor. I'm so done with this.

After fighting to push my way through the stream of obnoxious students, I stumble out into the cold winter air. This confidence only attained yesterday is already dying, and amongst all these judgemental people, I feel vulnerable. And as much as I hate it, as much as I hate how sensitive, how weak I am, there are tears blurring my vision, threatening to spill.

So much. So much has changed, and in so little time. It's terrifying.

"Miku?" A distinguishable voice above the noise, and before long a pair of lilac orbs are peering through the teal curtains covering my face. I feel her hand wrap loosely around my right arm and she gently pulls me out of the crowd, under one of the shedding trees.

She's clearly noticed the my glassy eyes and overwhelmed state. Those lilac orbs spark with concern, as her voice is soft as she speaks. "What's wrong? You look upset."

I take a shaky breath. "History was... absolute hell." I stammer. "Rin and Fukase, they were... Rin was pulling on my hair and laughing and teasing and... sensei called out on us all. Everyone looked at me the moment my name was mentioned." I dry my eyes with another sigh... I'm acting ridiculous. "I don't want to be in the centre of attention, yknow? I want to vanish into the corner, hide from everyone until the end of class."

Yukari nods in understanding, before reaching out and pulling me into a hug. "If I ever see them target you so, trust me, it won't be pretty. And it's understandable how overwhelming it must be to hear your name called out to a class of twenty-five or so people... but it's the past now. And it may embarrass you now, but it won't in time. And hey. If you're going to vanish, don't vanish from me. You can vanish for the rest of them, but not me!" She pulls away and gives me one of those goofy smiles.

I nod in appreciation to her comforting words and humour. "You're right... Thank you so much." A nervous, airy laugh escapes my lips before I can prevent it, and I avert my gaze to the damp grass. "I'm sorry if I'm acting a little bit stupid at the moment.."

Yukari shakes her head. "Not at all, don't worry." I meet her gaze and she flashes a small smile, one in which I timidly return. "Anyway, I hope you're okay now. I need to get going."

"Oh, okay. Thank you for checking up on me." That small smile of hers widens into a grin, and she hugs me quickly once more before rushing off, and dissolving into the sea of people, leaving me standing alone.

I glance left and right, wondering a certain pinkette's whereabouts. And then I catch sight of her. Staring towards me, though not at me. There's a distant look in her ocean blue eyes, even noticeable from where I'm standing.

I wander over to her. As I approach, she seems to snap out of her thoughts, though she doesn't say anything. So I give her a smile. "Hi. Are you okay? You seemed pretty distant."

She gives a slight nod in response. "I'm fine. Are you?"

"Yeah!" Though I'm still pretty shaken up from class, I try to cover it up with forced enthusiasm and a smile. Sometimes I don't like talking to Luka about the bullying - she's good at blaming herself, and I hate making her feel bad about this whole situation. I don't want to make her feel worse by being weak. That's valid, right?

Silence. A brief silence is shared between us. It's unsettling. I don't like it. Why are these silences becoming more and more common?

"Hey, umm..." My voice is pretty quiet, but audible enough. I look up at her, blue eyes meeting blue. "There's... something I wanted to talk to you about. Should we start walking home?" By now, I'm twirling a strand of teal hair around a pale finger - nervous habit, I suppose.

"Sure." Luka smiles, though her heart doesn't seem to be in it. I smile back, and together, side by side, we begin walking.

A/N: woah okay, im sorry if this chapter is crappy sksksksk- I struggled to write this part but the upcoming chapters should be much easier and hopefully published soon! ;;;;
I hope you guys have enjoyed nonetheless, a chapter is still a chapter right?
As always, see you in the next one !! <3

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