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For those who did not get this message: I am currently editing this story to make improvementsThank you.


It was a sunny morning, maids were packing everything to Princess Ella. Although Ella belonged to the second most powerful kingdom she liked to do most of her work. When she was packed she sighed with relief and looked around.

Ella was a beautiful young girl with innocent features. She had sparkling eyes filled with childhood, lips were soft and pink. Her long brown hair swayed around her waist as she looks into the cupboard and draws one last time. She was standing in front of a door, she sighed deeply and knocked at the door. A cold but star voice came from the other side of the door, 

'Come in!' She entered the room and faced her mother sitting on a comfortable chair. Maids were still packing things.

Ella's mother queen Miranda was a tall lady, with a strict face (and that's what she meant to say) and her hair were neatly tied in a bun. She had a wrinkled face with sharp eyes but was healthy and slim.

"I'm done with my packing, I just wanted to see you when you were finished." Ella said in her usual sweet voice.  

'' No, I'm not done yet. '' Queen Miranda said curtly standing up and turning away from her daughter. She walked to the big window of the room

'' If you are ready, go down to the carriage, your brothers are waiting. '' She said turning away from the window. Ella nodded obediently and left the room and went down to the front big garden.

The boundary of garden  was lined with every color of flowers, lush green carpet of grass spread everywhere and trees laden with fruits added  last touches to the beauty of the garden. She saw that her luggage was already there by the carriage. The carriage was made of oak wood, there were two small windows on both sides of the carriage. The carriage was decorated with pure gold that shone brightly in the sunlight.

''You really took your time, little sis.''  A distant voice caught her attention. Ella turned around without being surprised to look at her two elder brothers. 

  ''If I am late for the first time that doesn't make you lord of fast-ness.'' she said to her eldest brother, James.

He was a tall and handsome boy with brown hair with a little golden touch, his eyes were blue but not as sparkling as her sister's. He had perfect features with a sculpted jawline with two moles on his long neck.

James was just about to say something to counter Ella's words when her second brother Aston jumped in.

''Now drop it both of you, your childish quarrels give me a headache.'' he said lazily leaning against the carriage.

He shared the same face features as his brother but with thinner nose and sharp brown eyes which made you feel they looked through your head, which gave a feeling that he was not a big laugh-er. He had brown curly hair matching the color of his eyes which gave a shade of copper in sunlight.

''Mother and father should be here any minute now.'' Aston said impatiently looking at the grand doors of their palace which were made of walnut wood. 

Their palace stood on a very large area. The color of the walls was pale white and the top was colored blue with statues of gargoyles lined on the edge of the roof. When it rained the water flowed through the mouths of the gargoyles. There were about four hundred windows in the walls of the palace which were equal to the number of rooms. And the area that surrounded the palace was lush green.

James spoke again ''I still can't believe, being our sister you haven't met uncle Raymond and aunt Harriet.''

Reading the look on her face James said ''I don't mean it that way-'' but Ella crossed him and gave her  expressions words ''If it weren't for mother I would have roamed this whole world and   I have met aunt Harriet and uncle Raymond when they stayed here for three weeks but I haven't met their children'' she paused for a moment ''How are they like?'' she asked nervously.

''You will find out soon.'' another voice spoke and they saw their father king Desmond and queen Miranda coming down the front stairs.

King Desmond looked quite a lot like James and Aston but his face showed wrinkles and tiredness due to working late at night.

'' Thank goodness! '' Said James '' At the moment you are waiting for us at the gates ''

'' You can not wait to see your cousins. '' Ella said with a smirk '' Or I should say only cousin ... ''

''Oh! stop it El you know its nothing like that. '' James said trying to hide his blush.

'' Alright! Desmond said, Ella and James dropped their conversation. Ella and queen Miranda climbed into the carriage and put her horse up for a ride.  

Hi guys, this is my first ever story

so please vote, comment, follow . Thank you.

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